issue with applying a cash receipt
getting a This feature has been deprecated. when clicking on apply from a cash receipt
We were told this:
This is due to our Summer '22 release updates. The BillingApplyCreditMemo and the CashReceiptApplyBillings Visualforce pages have been removed. For Salesforce Classic users, this means that the “Apply Credit Memo” button on the Billing and “Apply” button on the Cash Receipt pages will no longer function. These buttons should be removed from the Billing and Cash Receipt page layouts. The “Apply/Unapply” button should be added to these page layouts.
Note: The “Apply/Unapply” button only functions when using the Salesforce Lightning interface.
If you have updated the buttons to "Apply/Unapply" and they are still not working, please let us know.I did what they advised; it does not work in either classic or lightning. I am getting errors in both
Note: If you have not kept up with release config over the past few AS releases you will find yourself running into problems more and more. If you are still using Classic you really need to make the move to Lightening. I provide assistance in 'catching up' on release config. Contact me if you you need assistance.
You will have to remove the old Apply button on BOTH the cash receipt and on the billing page layouts with the Apply/Unapply button. The new button can be placed on a classic layout but the screen will always open in a lightning context. If you haven't made the move to lightning you should. AS new features are developed only with lightning in mind as that is where the entire platform is moving.
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