Cash Receipt auto-posting behavior
Cash receipts auto-post on creation without exception. This is one of the few user facing source objects that has this distinct behavior. Furthermore, a posted source record is locked from further editing. There are many occasions where a user will need to define financial fields based on criteria other than the AS default's. However, it makes it difficult to update these fields because of AS's auto-post behavior on cash receipts. Furthermore, if using AS functionality (such as Receive Payments on the Billing or Create Cash Receipt checkbox on the Opportunity's Create Billing intermediate screen), then it is actually IMPOSSIBLE to intercept the cash receipt before save and replace values.
Example: Company has requirement that the bank account on a cash receipt be defaulted on some other field/criteria other than the ledger. The company would be unable to drive this logic using the two managed package AS features above.
Make the following changes:
1. Cash receipt should not auto-post without exception. If a cash receipt is set to some other status than Approved, then it should not auto-post. It currently ignores the status and auto-posts without exception (which is different from all other objects).
2. Have an option in Accounting Settings that allows the user to disable the auto-post behavior of cash receipts
Official comment
Hello Bao,
Thank you for this request, I will also be sending this request in for review by the product development team.
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Has this been considered yet for the roadmap? It is an issue when users need to intercept and set a financial field value but are unable to because the cash receipt is auto-posted (and in some cases auto-applied) which makes it very difficult to unlock the record to set the financial fields to the desired value.
I'll add my voice here. Before save flows can be used in some instances to populate the necessary financial information, but Bao is correct when he says "if using AS functionality (such as Receive Payments on the Billing or Create Cash Receipt checkbox on the Opportunity's Create Billing intermediate screen), then it is actually IMPOSSIBLE to intercept the cash receipt before save and replace values."
I recently had to create a flow that unapplied the CR, unposted the CR, updated the CR and then reposted it and reapplied everything in order to meet this requirement. It's a very heavy lift for something that should be a simple solution.
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