Is there a limit to number of project records?


1 comment

  • Rebecca Ralls

    Hi Chris,

    There was some info on limits lst week via an email from 1/6 titled "Accounting Seed Customer Notifications for 2022".  I don't think it was posted anywhere on the community.  It didn't have a ton of information in it. There was another mention of the limits in the Lily release notes - also not very much info.  Specific info on the limits has been hard to come by.

    Regardless, I think you're safe to create as many projects as you want within the data limits of your Salesforce instance. Since they are not captured in financial cubes and they do not post, they are merely a data point stored on transactions, so the number of Projects do not affect the number of transactions nor the complexity of the financial cube structure within an org.

    That said, if the only reason you are creating a project record is that you need to capture the work order at the transaction level, and you aren't using any other information on the project, you can add a lookup to the work order on the transaction object, and write a flow that will populate it when the transactions are created.  

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