13th Accounting Period for Interest, Tax, Amortization, Depreciation, etc
Simply, we need a 13th Accounting Period so that we can:
- Compare month to month performance over the12 operating periods
- Exclude 13th period for calculations like EBITA, and other ratios and metrics
- Compare year over year adjustments in the 13th period
We are never able to easily understand our business performance in December, or compare it to other months, because end of year journal entries have to be included in December rather than in a 13th Accounting Period for adjustments.
Plus we could do a real comparison of month to month performance, without having to resort to doing calculations in excel or google sheets. And compare year end adjustments year over year without excel.
I agree that a 13th period would be a nice feature.
In the interim - are you using all 4 accounting variables? If you have a variable that you are not using you *could* tag all of your Year-End adjustments with that variable, and then you'd have a method to filter out the adjusting transactions. You might still have to do the summary analysis in excel, as you cannot run a financial report that excludes a particular variable (another would-be-nice-to-have feature) it but it would be less manual than figuring out everything in Excel on the fly. And you could also run standard salesforce reports that exclude just that accounting variable. Or only show you the activity that is tagged with it.
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