Stock Moving
We are a luxury jewelers and use SalesForce with an EPOS solution for our Sales staff to sell the stock we have.
Some of our items the customer will put a deposit down for it as we may or may not have stock for it.
The system doesn't allocate the stock till the Sales is fully paid.
Our users after the deposit has been taken, go to the Inventory balance for that store and transfer 1 out to the location of Deposit. Then when the customer comes to clear the payment, they need to transfer the 1 in deposit back into Sale Stock before completing the sale so that the stock is allocated correctly.
The first step tends to happen ( 85%) of the time but the pushing back is less then 65% of the time happening. Which means I have a mess of stock, that I have to manually unpick.
Does any one do something similar? And if you did what did you do to sort it?
Many thanks in advance
The users dont want to do either movement, as they migrated from a system that actually handled this with out human intervention.
Plus the EPOS solution only 'sees' one location so it would be a change of functionality.
I was hoping for a soultion I could develop through SF/AS
Something I have done for other customers is to add a lookup to the Inventory Balance (IQA) record to the Sales Order Lines, and then, using rollups - like DLRS, on the IQA, you can show how many unallocated sales orders are related to that IQA effectively giving you an "on hold" quantity for items that have been ordered but not fulfilled.
You could add in validation rules to prevent your on hold qty from exceeding your on hand qty.
You could even set up a process where only include the line in the "on hold" qty if a deposit is received.
Feel free to reach out to me if you want some help setting it up. :)
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