Change Order of Billing Lines



  • Vivian Crowell

    Actually, I'd like to be able to manually change the order for particular billing lines.  We have it sorted by date, but with multiple entries on one date, it sometimes makes more sense to have one line before the other.

    For example, we might have:

    9/11/18 - Did some work according to the requests made in the call.

    9/11/18 - Spoke to Client.

    I'd like to be able to manually move up the second one to be before the first one, because they clearly had the phone call first.

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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Vivian,

    One way to do this is to add a number field to the billing line and add that as a column in your upload file so that number 1 is the first billing line, number 2 is the second and so on. You will want to go into the PDF formats tab and select the format that you are using the enter this new custom number field into the sort field so that the system will sort on it. 

    Thank you,


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  • Rob Alexander

    Using Ryan's suggestion above, this is the code I'm now using to populate my new custom Sort Order field:

     //constructor to get the billing, billing line, and shift records
    public BillingLinesSyncWithShiftsController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    bill = (AcctSeed__Billing__c) controller.getRecord();
    billId = bill.Id;
    category = bill.Category__c;
    customerId = bill.AcctSeed__Customer__c;
    clientId = customerId.left(15);
    cycleStartDate = bill.AcctSeed__Billing_Cycle_Start_Date__c;
    cycleEndDate = bill.AcctSeed__Billing_Cycle_End_Date__c;
    billableShifts = [SELECT Id, Billing_Line__c, sirenum__Shift_Date__c, sirenum__Contact__c, sirenum__Employee_Name__c,
    Actual_Length__c, Bill_Rate__c, Comments_formatted__c FROM sirenum__Shift__c
    WHERE sirenum__Client_ID__c =: clientId AND sirenum__Allow_charge__c = true AND
    sirenum__Shift_Date__c >=: cycleStartDate AND sirenum__Shift_Date__c <=: cycleEndDate AND
    (sirenum__Rota__r.Name =: category OR sirenum__Team__r.sirenum__Rota__r.Name =: category)
    ORDER BY sirenum__Shift_Date__c, Bill_Rate__c DESC, sirenum__Employee_Name__c];
    billingLines = [SELECT Id FROM AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c WHERE AcctSeed__Billing__c =: billId];
    billingLinesToDelete = [SELECT Id FROM AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c
    WHERE AcctSeed__Billing__c =: billId AND (Allow_Charge__c = false OR Shift__r.sirenum__Client_ID__c !=: clientId)];

    //method called from the Visualforce page action
    public PageReference syncWithShifts() {
    for (sirenum__Shift__c billableShift : billableShifts) {
    if (billableShift.Billing_Line__c == null) {
    AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c billingLineToInsert = new AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c (
    AcctSeed__Billing__c = billId,
    Shift__c = billableShift.Id,
    AcctSeed__Date__c = billableShift.sirenum__Shift_Date__c,
    Health_Professional__c = billableShift.sirenum__Contact__c,
    AcctSeed__Hours_Units__c = billableShift.Actual_Length__c,
    AcctSeed__Rate__c = billableShift.Bill_Rate__c,
    AcctSeed__Comment__c = billableShift.Comments_formatted__c,
    Sort_Order__c = i++
    } else if (billableShift.Billing_Line__c != null) {
    AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c billingLineToUpdate= new AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c (
    Id = billableShift.Billing_Line__c,
    AcctSeed__Billing__c = billId,
    Shift__c = billableShift.Id,
    AcctSeed__Date__c = billableShift.sirenum__Shift_Date__c,
    Health_Professional__c = billableShift.sirenum__Contact__c,
    AcctSeed__Hours_Units__c = billableShift.Actual_Length__c,
    AcctSeed__Rate__c = billableShift.Bill_Rate__c,
    AcctSeed__Comment__c = billableShift.Comments_formatted__c,
    Sort_Order__c = i++

    if (!billingLinesToUpsert.isEmpty()) {

    upsert billingLinesToUpsert;
    if (!billingLinesToDelete.isEmpty()) {
    delete billingLinesToDelete;

    //return to the billing record
    PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/'+billId);
    return pageRef;
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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Vivian,

    What field do you want to sort on? 

    If you click into the PDF formats tab and select the related format, then you will see a "sort" field. 

    Thank you,


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