New Financial Reporter : Requested Cash Proforma Statements, Gross Margins



  • Official comment
    Carly Crossland

    Thank you for submitting this feature request, John. I will have the Product Development team look into this!

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  • John Benza

    Additional requests have come in on the subject of the new financial reporter:

    • Customers expressed interest in the Ledger Report to be able to reflect more than 5000 lines of output.
    • Customers expressed interest in having a check-box or default for reflecting the entire fiscal year rather than having to enter starting and ending fiscal periods.
    • Customers expressed interest in having the ability to specify more than 12 fiscal periods for a financial report (i.e. 24 or 36 months...). There was a bit of applause on this request. While I think it may seem "excessive", I think many of them were looking for the feature so they could export to a WKS and then work on the data there... 
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