New Financial Reporter : Requested Cash Proforma Statements, Gross Margins
During the AvSight user group meeting, about 10 customers at the Accounting Seed roundtable requested that new financial reporter be able to create Cash Pro Forma Statements and also report (by default) Gross Margin/Gross Profit....
Kathryn Cantwell also indicated that these are long standing requirements that she has shared with AS Dev, but she could not confirm that she entered a Feature Request - so, I am doing it here. Kathryn is available for more details on these two requirements.
Official comment
Thank you for submitting this feature request, John. I will have the Product Development team look into this!
Comment actions -
Additional requests have come in on the subject of the new financial reporter:
- Customers expressed interest in the Ledger Report to be able to reflect more than 5000 lines of output.
- Customers expressed interest in having a check-box or default for reflecting the entire fiscal year rather than having to enter starting and ending fiscal periods.
- Customers expressed interest in having the ability to specify more than 12 fiscal periods for a financial report (i.e. 24 or 36 months...). There was a bit of applause on this request. While I think it may seem "excessive", I think many of them were looking for the feature so they could export to a WKS and then work on the data there...
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