Customer/Vendor Relationship wants AP/CD Payments APPLIED to their AR Invoices without cutting checks...



  • Official comment
    Permanently deleted user

    Hello John,

    Thank you for submitting this helpful feature request. I will have the Product Development team look into this as a feature.

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  • Rebecca Ralls

    It is not possible now.  

    To support this, I would create a process that would automatically convert an AP to a credit memo - be creating an AP credit memo to apply to the payabe, and an AR credit memo that could be applied to the AR.  the revenue line on the AR credit memo and the expense line on the AP credit memo both should hit the same GL Account whcih would reflect a $0 net impact to the GL. 

    The package could be built to do that process natively, but it can be configured now without too much trouble.  

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