AR Control Override



  • Rebecca Ralls

    I've had multiple clients now who stumble on this - should we add a post requesting the addition of support for an AR override account like the AP override feature to the feature request section? or can this post be cross posted over there somehow?



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  • Tony


    What we have seen customers do is create a picklist on the account object and name it something like "debtor class". You can then run an AR aging by the picklist value. Also Account Level Glavs are coming tin the next release of Accounting Seed where you can tag the Account to GLAV values. This will allow you to default GLAV values in all transactions from the account as well as run reports by these variables on the account.

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  • Simon

    I have been waiting for an answer to that question for a while. So, thank you Tony for pitching in. I did create a picklist on the account object to differentiate my Accounts Receivable sources BUT I am still stuck. How do I push that picklist to Accounting Report Definitions/Report so that they can be reflected in the Balance Sheet by source? I already have GL Accounts for the different AR sources.

    Also, when an account has multiple AR source type how do I differentiate the ARs? (For instance:- Pledges Receivable and Conventions Reg. Receivable)

    As always, THANKS.

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  • Tony

    Hi Simon,

    In terms of getting these different AR accounts to be listed on your balance sheet there would really be 2 options for you:

    1. Use one of the accounting variables to track the source. Create a custom financial report definition breaking out each combination of the AR GL Account plus the accounting variable as separate rows on the balance sheet. 
    2. Run a report using the historical aged balances for billings by your picklist and use the report to create a reclassifying journal entry to break out the AR balances into separate GL accounts each month. You can automatically reverse the entry in the following accounting period and repeat each month. 

    If you want to track individual AR records from the same Account from different sources you would need to create a picklist on the billing object to track this. You could then run AR and billing reports by your source pick list. 





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