Automate Serializing/Unserializing Products with Existing Inventory Movements




  • Rebecca Ralls

    What is your use case where a formerly unserialized product becomes serialized? Is it just an error in the creation of new products?

    I think as a systemic issue, the deleting and recreating of all past transactions is problematic if the transactions for a particular product goes back any distance of time into closed periods.  

    Have you considered just creating a new version of the (now serialized) product?

    One client I work with uses the same product name, and then has a -A or -B in the product code to differentiate different versions of a product - like when there has been a change to the bill of materials, for instance.

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  • Chandler Anderson

    Thank you for your input, Rebecca!

    The use case is that our operations manager doesn't always know whether an item is serialized or not until it has been received. And even then, it might not be apparent that an item is serialized until we are scanning it when it is being packed for shipment. And being unable to scan an item properly holds up the shipment process and causes logistical issues.

    The way I see it, the transactions themselves wouldn't be any different; they would just be separated or joined based on whether they are serialized or not, respectively. All other transactional data would remain the same.

    I agree that making changes in Closed periods can be sketchy. But if the relevant periods were all Open, or could be reopened then closed just to handle this one operation that wouldn't result in a net difference in our ledger, I don't think it would be a long-term issue.

    Creating an additional product could be an option, but then it would be separate from the previous product and the existing relationships wouldn't carry over, right? I think that would cause more of a headache in the long run.

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  • Rebecca Ralls

    Could the issue be solved - or at least mitigated - by training your purchaser (or Operations manager?) to ask whether a product is serialized before ordering it for the first time? 

    You could use the DLRS package (Declarative Lookup Rollup Summary) to put a field on the product that counts PO lines, and if that field = 0 and serialized = false, have some sort of workflow that notifies the owner of the PO that they need to make sure?

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  • Chandler Anderson

    Indeed, that would be a good best practice. And the DLRS suggestion is a great idea!

    Thanks again for your help, Rebecca! :)

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