Additional information stored on transaction to simplify/enhance/enable native reporting



  • Rebecca Ralls

    I just wanted to bump this - it would still be really helpful.

    Something else all of my clients have found really helpful is a field called transaction source type that simply states what type of object created the transaction.  JE, AR, AP, CD, CR, etc.  It can be VERY helpful when reconciling an account - like AR or AP - to see the amount that was booked from Billings vs. Cash Receipts or if there's an entrty from an unexpected object.



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  • Tony


    Thanks for suggesting this. I think all of these are good suggestions. I believe we can add the following with no problem:

    • Related to ID
    • Related to Name
    • Header ID
    • Header Name
    • Source Type

    The related to link and header link have had issues as these count towards the limits of the number of objects you can link to. Also with these advanced formula fields the reporting engine is affected and the performance starts to crawl more slowly. We actually had a related to link in the package originally and had to remove it.

    Let me know if you have anymore thoughts on the links.






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  • Rebecca Ralls

    But if you have the ID and the name stored as text on the record, the link would just by HYPERLINK(ID,name) and the it wouldn't count against the objects you can relate to ...

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  • Tony

    OK, I see. Cool. I will talk to the dev team on this too then. 

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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Rebecca,

    I have created an enhancement ticket for this. 

    Thank you,


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  • Rebecca Ralls

    This would STILL be realy useful to add in to the product ;-)  Pretty please?  

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