Multiple Billing Contacts
Is there a way to add multiple billing contacts so that the emails get pulled into the email cc section when you try to send a billing? Right now, we manually track the billing contracts and have to add them one by one to the send billing screen under the cc section.
Hello, you should be able to do this easily. Go to an account / Click Related Contacts / Click the down arrow on a contact / Edit Relationship / Billing Contact to the right side (so the Role is chosen) / Save. That contact will now be cc'ed in the invoices sent. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
When I go to account then the related tab and contacts, then edit (nothing says anything about a relationship), there is no billing contact section/field to select from or an option of "billing contact" for the type. How do I add a billing contact automatically from the primary accounts or contact? It seems arduous to have to do each one manually. Why don't they automatically fill in?
Hello Danielle, there's 2 distinct procedures depending if you wish to be able to select the contact that will:
1. Receive the invoice, or;
2. Be in cc
Could you please confirm which scenario you wish to accomplish?
You may reach me at if you have any questions or need a quick call.
Thank you!
@Danielle Hoffman
You can follow this link to set up the Account-Contact relationship.
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