BDC: Allow ability to restore (re-activate) a GLAM
Hi Support,
Issue: If a user inadvertently makes a GLAM inactive, then all previously imported bank transactions associated with that GLAM are no accessible via BDC. Several issues:
a) New GLAMs are required to be created, which then leaves open the likely issue of duplicate bank transactions in the system (some matched while the duplicate is unable to be matched). Causes a huge issue for clients to then clean up.
b) The bank transactions mapped to the inactive GLAM are no longer accessible or searchable by the user in the Bank Direct Connect UI ("All Transactions tab")
FEATURE REQUEST: Provide the ability to restore a previously inactive GLAM as active so it could be used in BDC.
Official comment
Hello Bao,
Thank you for this feature request, I will send this request for review to the Product Development team.
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