Intercompany Transactions



  • Rebecca Ralls

    Hi Vineetha,

    If you are using ledgers and are booking a Payable in one company(ledger A) and paying it from a different company (ledger B), you would need to record a credit memo in ledger A and select a due to/due from liability account as the expense GL account.  And then to record the payment inLedger B, you can book a Cash disbursement or a Jornal entry to credit cash and debit the Due to/Due from GL Account. 

    Even if you are a GLAV instead of a ledger to keep your companies straight, this is still the process I would recommend.  

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  • Vineetha Nair

    Hi Rebecca,

    Thank you so much for your prompt response. We can certainly try doing this way which will at least reduce 2 journal entries from the current method we are using .

    I didn't understand what's GLAV....sorry I am new to AS, just in the learning phase.


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  • Rebecca Ralls

    Sorry! 🙂
    GLAV = GL Accounting Variable

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