Connexion to bank


1 comment

  • s.diaba

    Thanks for your feedback !

    I received your message below: however there are certain Desjardins accounts whose transactions are still not loaded

    I have granted you access to our organization following the steps indicated if you can solve this connection problem for me.


    Thank you !


    This is you message :

    Dear Salah,

    You have a new comment for your case. Please LOGIN to our Customer Support Community to read your case comment and respond to our team.

    Case Number: 00022828
    Subject: Bank connexion
    Latest Comment:
    Hi Salah,

    Yodlee, our aggregation service provided reported that Desjardins was experiencing technical issues, which should now be cleared up.

    Could you please go into BDC and use the Update All button to see if the transactions are imported? I spot checked a number of accounts and there were transactions in many of them that were available to be imported. For example, VISA DESJARDINS BUSINESS CARD 453092******9010 should have transactions that should be imported.

    If no transactions are imported, so that I can troubleshoot the issue, can you grant me temporary access at the System Administrator level to your Salesforce org, preferably for at least 1 week.

    Grant Access to Accounting Seed Support:

    Salesforce Lightning UI:
    1. Click the View Profile icon
    2. Click into Settings
    3. Click Grant Account Login Access under Personal Information
    4. Populate the Accounting Seed Support Access Duration picklist with the appropriate duration (we recommend one week)

    Once complete, please let me know that access has been granted and I will take a look into the issue.


    IMPORTANT INFORMATION - ACTION NEEDED *** In order to upgrade your release to our Spring 23 release customers MUST make some minor configuration changes noted below. These changes must be made even if you do not believe you are using these objects. - Enable "Activity Tracking" on the following objects - AP Aging History, Billing Aging History, and Uncleared Bank Rec Lines. Refer to this video for a demonstration - Thank you,
    Accounting Seed Support

    Visit our Knowledge Base 


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