Mass Apply Cash Receipts
Is there a way to mass apply cash receipts?
Hi Emmylou,
What information are you looking to gain from tagging the project when applying the cash receipt? If you run a billing with billing lines report, you will be able to report on the project that is tagged on the billing line as well as the received amount and open balance of that billing.
Thank you,
Hi Ryan - If someone paid 3,400.00 to be applied to 3 invoices, currently I have to individually create a cash receipt for each billing associated with the payment and assign a project on the “Cash Receipt Edit” module (see screenshot)
What I would like to see happen is create the cash receipt for $3,400 and not enter a project under accounting information in the Cash Receipt Edit module (since each invoice/billing has a different project associated with it)……but enter them when I am in the CASH RECEIPT APPLY module instead where I can select multiple project and apply to multiple billings. Does this make sense?
Hi Emmylou,
I understand what you are trying to do, but my question is around why do you want to do this? Most customers are running project reports around billings to see revenues for that project and this report can include the balance of the billing. If there is no balance, then you know it has been paid.
Other customers may run reports around cash receipts to see when that money actually came in.
What report are you looking to generate if you were able to tag a project in the cash application receipt screen?
Thank you,
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