As part of the Spring ‘25 release, Accounting Seed is pleased to inform you of our Spring ‘25 Preview 1 release. This article presents information about the enhancements available in this release. To print a copy of the Release Notes, right-click and select Print. In the Destination drop-down list, select a specific printer name or select Save as PDF. Then, click Save.
For information about our release frequency and schedule, please refer to the Release Schedule article.
Installation Notes
This preview release is now available to be installed in your org. We recommend that you first install the release into your sandbox environment and test it before installing it into your production environment. For more information on best practices with testing sandboxes, refer to Sandboxes: Staging Environments for Customizing and Testing and Considerations for Creating Sandboxes with Accounting Seed Data.
When you are ready to install this release, click here to access the installation link.
Configuration Changes
This release includes configuration changes that can be performed by existing Accounting Seed users. For more information, refer to the Spring ’25 Preview 1 Configuration Changes article.
- Enhanced functionality for Multi-Book Revenue and Expense Deferrals
- Split A/R Automation Journal Entry Lines by Transaction
- AP Automation Updates
Customer Requested Enhancements
- Advanced Line Manager (ALM) – Line Error
- Payment Proposal Colum Sorting
- Inventory Transfer - view all Locations
- Add Multiple Accounting Periods
- Amortization Wizard – Accrual and/or Cash field
Enhanced functionality for Multi-Book Revenue and Expense Deferrals
Multi-book Accounting Overview
When posting Billings/Payables to Deferred Revenue/Expense GL Accounts on a Multi-book Ledger, you will need to identify the appropriate GL Accounts to record the revenue/expense for the Cash Ledger when cash is received or paid out. To support this, a new Deferred GL Account field has been added to select on the General Ledger Account object. Additionally, both the General Ledger Account and Product objects include fields to indicate the associated revenue or expense account for those GL Accounts that are considered deferred. Information about the new fields can be found in the Multi-book Accounting Overview article. See the Add the fields for Revenue/Expense Recognition on Cash Ledgers section in this article.
On each GL Account and/or Product that is considered a Deferred GL Account, a Recognition GL Account should be selected. This Recognition GL Account will become the default GL Account that is used to recognize revenue or expenses on the Cash Ledger.
Note: Existing Accounting Seed customers using Multi-book Accounting will need to add these new fields onto the General Ledger Account page layout. If you use Products on Billings/Payables, the related new fields will also need to be added to the Product page layout. For more information, refer to Add the fields for Revenue/Expense Recognition on Cash Ledgers.
Split A/R Automation Journal Entry Lines by Transaction
Payment Processor
Merchant Download Automation job
With AR Automation, a new Split Merchant JELs checkbox has been added to the Payment Processor screen. Selecting this checkbox provides the ability to have the Merchant Download Automation job split the Journal Entry Lines (JELs) that post to the Merchant GL Account, by each transaction. Each JEL will be populated with the associated customer name in the Account field. Additionally, if you have convenience fees enabled, selecting this same checkbox will split the Journal Entry Lines (one JEL, per transaction) that posts to the Unapplied A/R GL Account. And again, each JEL will be populated with the associated customer name in the Account field.
Note: Existing AR Automation Accounting Seed users who want to have the system split Journal Entry Lines will need to add this new field. For more information, refer to the AR Automation Split JELs Update section in the Spring '25 Preview 1 Configuration Changes article.
AP Automation Updates
Additional enhancements and updates to our AP Automation feature are listed below.
A new Vendor Payment Services Type field has been added to the Cash Disbursement object, which is a formula field that identifies the Payment Services Type on the associated Vendor Account record. This is how the Vendor will be paid when Payment Services displays in the Type field on a Cash Disbursement.
Existing Payment Services users will need to add configuration changes. Refer to the AP Automation Vendor Payment Services Type field section in the Spring '25 Preview 1 Configuration Changes article.
- On the Payment Proposal screen, the amounts now display right justified.
When Virtual Card is the Payment Method Type on a Payment Method record, and the Expiration Month and/or Expiration Year have been updated, the system will automatically send this information to Edenred Pay so that the Virtual Card can be updated with the changes.
Note: The Virtual Card must have a full Available Balance and the card should not have already expired.
When the Primary Contact that is listed on an Account record has changes to the Name, Phone, or Email address on the Contact record, the system will automatically update the Account record, as well as update the information in Edenred Pay.
Note: The updates will only occur if the Account Name field on the Contact record is populated with the Vendor who is enrolled for Payment Services. Otherwise, the Account record would need to be manually updated in order for the information to be updated in Edenred Pay.
Customer Requested Enhancements
Advanced Line Manager (ALM) – Line Error
If an error message displays on a line in the Advanced Line Manager, it now displays with the standard red error icon to the left of the line so that it can clearly be seen.
Payment Proposal Column Sorting
On the AP Automation Payment Proposal screen, you can now sort each column heading in ascending or descending order.
Inventory Transfer – view all Locations
Warehouse Transfers (Average Cost)
Warehouse Transfers (Standard Cost)
On the Inventory Quantity Available screen, when performing an Inventory Transfer, the Location Name drop-down list will now include all available locations (up to 2,999). This is also true when clicking the Location drop-down list from Product | Build Product page.
Add Multiple Accounting Periods
With this release, you can now create multiple Accounting Periods with just the click of a button. A new Create Accounting Periods wizard has been added to the Accounting Periods screen, which provides the ability to create up to 60 new periods at the same time.
This release also includes a new Refresh Accounting Periods button, which is applicable if you are using a traditional fiscal year. Clicking this button will automatically populate the Quarter and Year fields on selected Accounting Periods. The result of populating these fields will allow you to generate financial reports on a quarterly and yearly basis in an upcoming release.
Note: Existing Accounting Seed users who want to create multiple periods will need to add the new Create Accounting Periods button to the Accounting Periods list view. Also, if you are using a traditional fiscal year, and want to see quarterly and yearly reports in an upcoming release, add the Refresh Accounting Periods button to the list view. For more information, refer to the Accounting Periods Update section in the Spring '25 Preview 1 Configuration Changes article.
Amortization Wizard - Accrual and/or Cash field
Amortize Revenue for a Billing
Amortize Expense for a Payable
When using Multi-book Accounting, a default option can be set for the Accrual and/or Cash drop-down list that displays on the Revenue/Expense Amortization wizard. If the Accounting Method on the Ledger is set to Accrual & Cash, the selected default setting will automatically display in this drop-down list. The value in the drop-down list can be changed, if necessary. However, if the Accounting Method on the Ledger is set to Accrual or Cash, the Accrual and/or Cash drop-down list on the wizard will automatically default to the Accounting Method on the Ledger. Therefore, this drop-down list will not be editable.
For information about setting a default for the Accrual and/or Cash drop-down list on the Amortization wizard, refer to the Set a Default Value for the Accrual and/or Cash field section in the Spring '25 Preview 1 Configuration Changes article.
Software Corrections
Bank Direct Connect (BDC)
Missing Bank Transactions – In some instances, with Plaid as the Aggregation Provider, all available bank transactions were not being updated in Bank Direct Connect. This issue has been corrected so that all available transactions are included as expected.
Note: The issue with Downloading Historical Transactions in Bank Direct Connect will be corrected in a future release.
- Unable to register Salt Edge – Even after activating Remote Site and Trusted URL settings, Salt Edge could not be registered as an Aggregation Provider. An error message displayed. This issue has been resolved so that Salt Edge can be registered as an Aggregation Provider.
AR Automation
- Merchant Funds Transfer – In some situations, a Cash Receipt that had been voided was being included on the Bank Deposit and Journal Entry for the Merchant Funds Transfer. This issue has been resolved so that a voided Cash Receipt will not be included.
- Merchant Download Automation job – When Cash was the selected Accounting Method on a Ledger, the Merchant Download Automation job was creating a Journal Entry Line (JEL) pointing to the wrong GL Account. This issue has been fixed so that the correct GL Account is being used on the JEL.
AP Automation
- Email to Payable error – Prior to this release, the Email to Payable feature was unable to handle emails with URL links. We have modified the feature to accommodate complex and long URL links.
Large Data Optimizer (LDO)
- Sandbox Apex Class errors – in a sandbox environment, after the Large Data Optimizer (LDO) feature was enabled (along with Multi-book Accounting), error messages displayed on test classes for several Apex Classes. This issue has been resolved.
- Cash Flow Statement – With LDO enabled, when a Cash Flow Category was on a posted transaction, it was not being included on the Cash Flow Statement report. This issue has been corrected.
Billing Receive Payment screen
When an amount was entered in the Discount/Adjustment Amount field, and then the Amount field was clicked, additional numbers were being added to the Amount field. This issue has been resolved so that the expected amount displays in the Amount field.
Financial Reporter
The Financial Reporter on Standard and Custom financial reports did not include transactions if the GL Variable 3 was not specified. This issue has been corrected.
Amortization Entry - Currency Conversion Rate
On Multi-currency orgs, there was an issue with the Currency Conversion Rate not displaying on the Amortization Entry screen. This has been resolved so that the Currency Conversion Rate field is populated.
Cash Receipt - Balance and Applied Amount
There was an issue that sometimes occurred where a Cash Receipt Balance and Applied Amount fields were not immediately updated after Save & Complete was clicked to close the Apply screen. This issue has been fixed so that these fields are immediately updated.
Apex Classes and Triggers
In a sandbox environment, Salesforce could not enable the International Components for Unicode (ICU) Locale formats because some Apex Classes and Apex Triggers were on Salesforce API Version 45 or lower. This issue has been resolved.
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