Bank Settings provide quick and easy access for linking and mapping all your Financial Institutions directly to Accounting Seed, as well as manage your source record add and match settings. As part of the Bank Settings, you can clearly view each Financial Institution Account (FIA) that is associated with a Financial Institution, as well as map the applicable Bank GL Account to each FIA.
Each Financial Institution can have one or more associated Account Names. For example, a company might bank with XYZ Bank & Trust, which includes a checking account, a credit card account, and a savings account. Using this example, the Financial Institution, XYZ Bank & Trust would display on three different rows within the Bank Settings tab, one for each of the different Account Names.
- Select Provider and Connect Financial Institutions
- Map Financial Accounts to Bank GL Accounts
- Migrate a Financial Institution Account(s) from Plaid to Salt Edge
- Migrate a Financial Institution Account(s) from Yodlee to Plaid
- New, Refresh Connection, Refresh Credentials and Delete Buttons
- Add Settings and Match Settings
- Sandbox Testing for Plaid or Salt Edge
- Pre-populated Account Information
- Manage Providers
- Set up Bank Direct Connect (Bank Settings)
- Bank Direct Connect with Plaid - Supported Countries
- Update Existing Bank Accounts to Open Banking API
Select Provider and Connect Financial Institutions
Manage Providers
Important: If you have not registered with an Aggregation Provider, a message displays. You will need to click “Manage Providers.”
For existing Accounting Seed users, if Yodlee is your registered Provider, it will automatically display as registered when you click “Manage Providers.” After clicking “Manage Providers,” the Manage Aggregation Providers dialog box displays. From this dialog box, existing and new Accounting Seed users can select to register or deregister with a Provider, which includes Plaid, Yodlee, or Salt Edge (for UK customers only). You can swipe right to register a Provider (enable the Swipe button). A confirmation message will display, which you can then click Yes to confirm and register the selected Provider(s).
Note: If you deregister a Provider, any previously connected Financial Institutions/Financial Institution Accounts will be disconnected. Additionally, any existing GL Account Mappings will be deactivated and no longer show on the Bank Settings page.
Follow the step instructions below in this article to Set up Bank Direct Connect (Bank Settings) for a Manage Aggregation Provider: Plaid, Yodlee, or Salt Edge (for UK customers only).
After successfully registering with an Aggregation Provider(s), the Bank Settings screen refreshes. From here, you can Map Financial Institution Accounts to Bank GL Accounts.
Map Financial Institution Accounts to Bank GL Accounts
The “Single FIA per Bank Account” checkbox automatically defaults to selected/checked. When this setting is checked, you cannot map more than one Financial Institution Account (FIA) to a given Bank GL Account. If you have already mapped more than one FIA to a given Bank GL Account, the existing setups will not be impacted by this setting unless you modify the existing setup or try to map another FIA to the same Bank GL Account. This setting will only impact your setups when it is checked, and when an attempt is made to map more than one FIA to a given Bank GL Account. However, if you want to map more than one FIA to a given Bank GL Account, simply de-select this checkbox.
Note: The main purpose for this setting is to avoid accidentally mapping the same FIA to a given Bank GL Account.
Note: If you registered with more than one Aggregation Provider, the Map Financial Institution Accounts to Bank GL Accounts section will display mapping information for all mapped accounts.
The table below includes column headings that display in the Map Financial Institution Accounts to Bank GL Account section.
Column Heading Name | Description |
Provider |
The Aggregation Service Provider: Plaid, Yodlee, or Salt Edge (for UK customers only). |
Financial Institution | The selected Financial Institution. |
Connection |
Only applicable if Plaid or Salt Edge is your Aggregation Service Provider. With Plaid or Salt Edge, you can have multiple connections (with different credentials) to the same institution (click the New button to add a connection). For each Financial Institution, the naming convention on a connection will start with Connection_1, and continue with consecutive numbers. |
Account Name | The name of the account for the selected Financial Institution, such as the name for the checking account (or name for the nature if Salt Edge) that is associated with this Financial Institution. |
Ledger |
If the organization has only one Ledger, it automatically displays. You can search for and select a Ledger from the drop-down list, if necessary. Note: If an incorrect Ledger is accidentally selected, click the X to remove the selected Ledger. Then, select the correct one from the drop-down list. Map a Financial Institution Account (FIA) with a Foreign Currency The ability to map to a different Ledger allows for foreign Bank Transactions to be downloaded from an Aggregation Provider. Foreign Bank Transactions consist of transactions that are in a different currency than the Ledger currency. Source records created from foreign Bank Transactions or matched to them will be in the same currency as the foreign Bank Transactions. The GL transactions created from the source records will be converted into the currency of the Ledger. |
Bank GL Account | The Bank GL Account field can be modified for Financial Institutions that are linked from an Aggregation Provider or for transactions from an import file. Best Practice: Credit cards should be mapped to a credit card liability account that has the Bank checkbox selected, and cash amounts should be mapped to a cash account that has the Bank checkbox selected. |
Initial Start Date |
Defines the date from which transactions are initially downloaded. Provides you with the ability to control the amount of initial data that will be downloaded. Note: The initial Start Date will only download the Bank Transactions that are available from an Aggregation Provider. |
Last Refreshed Date | Represents when an Aggregation Provider last updated their database with information from their connected banks. Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen. |
FIA Status | Each FIA will display its connection status in the FIA Status column, as shown in the sample screen above. A successful connection message displays in green, which indicates that you can continue normal processing. To download transactions, click the Bank Transactions tab and select Update All. If an FIA Status message displays in red for one of your Financial Institutions, refer to the Bank Direct Connect - Connection Messages article for more information. |
Return to top
Migrate a Financial Institution Account(s) from Plaid to Salt Edge
When considering migrating from Plaid to Salt Edge, keep the following important points in mind:
- You should NOT map the same bank account to both Plaid and Salt Edge. Doing so will cause your bank transactions to be downloaded twice.
- If you are migrating from Plaid to Salt Edge, review the Last Refresh Date. Then, set the Initial Start Date for Salt Edge to the following day.
- Once you are connected to Salt Edge and have imported transactions from Salt Edge, review the transactions to ensure there are no duplicates. In some instances, you might need to create a tab for the Bank Transaction object, if you do not already have one. That way, you can easily review and note any duplicates and delete them.
Note: If you need to create a tab for the Bank Transactions object, refer to the Create a Custom Tab article.
Migrate a Financial Institution Account(s) from Yodlee to Plaid
When considering migrating from Yodlee to Plaid, keep the following important points in mind:
- You should NOT map the same bank account to both Yodlee and Plaid. Doing so will cause your bank transactions to be downloaded twice.
- If you are migrating from Yodlee to Plaid, review the Last Refresh Date. Then, set the Initial Start Date for Plaid to the following day.
- Once you are connected to Plaid and have imported transactions from Plaid, review the transactions to ensure there are no duplicates. In some instances, you might need to create a tab for the Bank Transaction object, if you do not already have one. That way, you can easily review and note any duplicates and delete them.
Note: If you need to create a tab for the Bank Transactions object, refer to the Create a Custom Tab article.
New, Refresh Connection, Refresh Credentials, and Delete Buttons
The following button options are available in the Select Provider and Connect Financial Institutions section of the Bank Settings tab:
Note: When you initially access the Bank Settings tab, if you have not connected to any Financial Institutions, the Select Financial Institution drop-down list will not display. Additionally, only the “New” button will be enabled so that you can select a Financial Institution(s) and connect to it. In the screen captures below, a Financial Institution has already been selected and connected to.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Salt Edge
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
- New - allows you to create a new link to a bank. You will need to input all of your credentials, including multi-factor authentication (MFA), if required. Once this is completed, the Bank Accounts will need to be mapped, as mentioned above.
Refresh Connection - this button is only enabled if Yodlee or Salt Edge (for UK customers only) is your Aggregation Provider. It allows the Aggregation Provider to pull transactions from your Financial Institution since the last time the transactions were pulled. For example, if transactions are pulled at midnight, they can be pulled again in the afternoon of the next day if new transactions occurred. This option will also ask you to enter/update your credentials, if expired prior to pulling the new transactions.
Note: If using Plaid as your Aggregation Provider, the Refresh Connection button displays grayed out. This button is not applicable or necessary for Plaid. - Refresh Credentials – allows you to refresh your bank credentials (re-enter your username and password), scan a QR code, etc.
- Delete - removes the bank and bank mappings from Bank Direct Connect.
Note: If you delete a bank and re-add it, while the mapping will remain, the Bank Rules will need to be re-updated for the bank if it was selected as an individual bank on a rule.
Return to top
Add Settings and Match Settings
Add Settings - identifies a source record that you create from a Bank Transaction record. For the Add Settings, there was not a matching record, and you want to create a new record from a Bank Transaction record. When you add a record, the default source record type will be based upon what is defined for this setting. For example, Cash Receipt automatically displays as the Cash-In Default Source Record Type. Therefore, if this remains as the default, whenever a new record is added for Cash-In, the source type will automatically display as Cash Receipt.
Match Settings - indicates that there is an existing source record in Accounting Seed, which is a possible match to a Bank Transaction record. You can define a default match setting for Cash-In and Cash-Out transactions. Source records that can be matched include the following:
- Cash Receipts
- Refund Cash Receipts
- Cash Disbursements
- Journal Entry Lines
- Bank Deposits
In addition to manually being able to add a record or match a record, you can select to have the system automatically add or match Bank Transactions based upon certain criteria.
The criteria for Global Automated Add includes the following for a Cash Receipt and a Cash Disbursement:
- Enable Global Automated Add must be checked in Bank Settings.
- Required fields, dependent on source record type, must be populated using Bank Rules.
- There must be no proposed matches.
If a Bank Transaction record meets the criteria for adding a record, it will automatically be added if the “Enable Global Automated Add” checkbox is selected.
Note: If the added source record is a Cash Receipt and the auto-post setting is enabled in Accounting Settings, the new record will automatically post. If the added source record is a Cash Disbursement or a Journal Entry, the posting status will display as Approved. Cash Disbursement and Journal Entry records will not automatically post regardless of the auto-post setting.
For Global Automated Match to automatically match a Bank Transaction to a source record, the following criteria must be met:
- Enable Global Automated Match must be checked in Bank Settings.
- The amount of the source record must match exactly with the amount of the Bank Transaction downloaded.
- The date of the source record and the downloaded Bank Transaction must be within the set number of days with each other as defined on the Matching Settings.
- The Bank GL Account from the Bank Transaction must match the Bank GL Account on the source record.
- Most importantly, there is one (and only one) possible source record match.
Note: If the Enable Global Automated Add and/or the Enable Global Automated Match checkbox is selected, and records meet the criteria, the automatic processing of those records will occur after the Scheduled Bank Download job runs and Bank Transactions have been updated into Bank Direct Connect (BDC). You can view transactions that were automatically added or matched from the All Bank Transactions tab on the BDC screen.
Sandbox Testing with Plaid or Salt Edge
if you would like to be able to test Plaid in sandbox mode, please submit a case and grant admin access for one week so that Accounting Seed Support can enable this for you. We recommend setting this up in a sandbox and not in a production environment.
Salt Edge
if you would like to be able to test Salt Edge in sandbox mode, follow the information provided in this article to set up Salt Edge as an Aggregation Provider. We recommend testing with your bank in a sandbox first. Once you have tested this, review the Migrate a Financial Institution Account(s) from Plaid to Salt Edge information, if necessary. Then, set up Salt Edge in your production environment.
Pre-populated Account Information
When the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox is selected, information can automatically pre-populate from the Account record onto a Bank Transaction in the fields on the expanded drawer or directly onto the source record (if Enable Global Automated Add is selected).
Important: With Salt Edge as the Aggregation Provider, this checkbox should NOT be selected if you have more than 20,000 accounts.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Bank Rules and Pre-populated Account Data
If you have Bank Rules created that will automatically update Bank Transactions, the rules will be applied before the system attempts to compare the Description field to the Account record. Only if a Bank Rule pre-populates the GL Variables or the GL Account, but NOT the Account Name, will the Account record be looked at for a possible match. The pre-populating of data from the Account record will not override the information that was updated by a Bank Rule.
Account Matching
When the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox is selected, the system looks at the Description field on the Bank Transaction record and compares it with the Account Name field or the File Import Match Name field on the Account record. If a match is found on the Account record, that information will pre-populate on the Bank Transaction. The comparison process works as “contains” and not as “equal to.” For example, if the Description field on the Bank Transaction contains the Account Name or File Import Match Name of “Farmer,” this will be considered as a match. Therefore, the fields in the expanded drawer on the Bank Transaction will be updated to include the available information (Account Name, GL Account, GL Variables) from the Account record.
Note: If you have Person Accounts enabled, refer to the section below for Account matching information.
In the sample screen below, the Description contained the Account Name of “Clearzone.” This was a match and information from the Account record was added in the expanded drawer on the Bank Transaction.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Account Matching when using Person Accounts
If you have Person Accounts enabled through Salesforce and selected/checked the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox, the Account Name is a compound field consisting of two fields: First Name and Last Name. Also, the Account Name field will only be used for a possible Account match if the File Import Match Name field is blank.
When using Person Accounts, in order to have possible Account matches between the Description on a Bank Transaction and the Account Name field, the Description should be equal to or consist of a combination of the First Name and Last Name on the Account record. Additionally, it can only be in that order (First Name and Last Name).
The table below provides some examples of Account matching information when Person Accounts are being used.
Description on Bank Transaction | First Name | Last Name | Account Match |
John Green & Sons | John | Green | Yes |
Brown & Jackson Realtors | Jackson | Brown | No |
Greenville North | Greenville | Yes |
File Import Match Name versus Account Name
- If the File Import Match Name field is populated, the File Import Match Name will be used to match the Bank Transaction.
- If the File Import Match Name field is not populated on the Account record, but the Account Name field is populated, the Account Name will be used to match the Bank Transaction.
- If both the Account Name and the File Import Match Name fields are populated, the File Import Match Name will be used to populate the Bank Transaction.
Considerations before selecting the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox
Before selecting the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox, keep following the points in mind:
- Pre-populate Account Information is applicable for both uploading transactions from an Aggregation Provider and/or importing transactions from a Financial File Import
The Pre-populate Account Info checkbox only applies to Account records that have the Accounting Active checkbox selected and the Accounting Type must be set to Customer & Vendor or Vendor.
Note: When the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox is selected, up to 40,000 Account records will be reviewed for possible Account matches each time you refresh Bank Transactions or upload new transactions. - Once this checkbox is selected, refreshing the Unmatched Bank Transactions tab will run the Bank Rules first on existing Bank Transactions and then the system will search for Account record matches. Additionally, when the daily/nightly Scheduled Bank Download job runs, Download Now is clicked, or when the Update All button is clicked to update new Bank Transactions, the Bank Rules will run first and then, the system will search for Account record matches.
The Pre-populate Account Info checkbox defaults to unchecked. Before you decide to select/check the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox, we recommend you do the following:
- Review the names in File Import Match Name field on Account records to make certain names are entered correctly
- Review your Bank Rules to determine the effect (if any) they will have on the pre-populate Account data.
Important: If you select/check the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox and also have the Enable Global Automated Add checkbox selected, note that Bank Rules will be applied first and then, pre-populate Account data matches will be automatically made to the source records. We recommend that the Enable Global Automated Add checkbox initially be deselected/unchecked to allow you to review and adjust the Bank Rules and Account matching. Once satisfied with the matching, the Enable Global Automated Add checkbox can be selected so that source records can automatically be created.
Manage Providers
If you have not registered with an Aggregation Provider, a message displays. You will need to click “Manage Providers.” Then, register with the appropriate Provider(s). Additionally, you can also use the Manage Providers button to register or deregister a Provider.
Note: If you deregister a Provider, any previously connected Financial Institutions/Financial Institution Accounts will be disconnected. Additionally, any existing GL Account Mappings will be deactivated and no longer show on the Bank Settings page.
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Create Entries tab. Then, under the Banking menu, click Bank Direct Connect.
- Click the Bank Settings tab.
- Click Manage Providers. The Manage Aggregation Providers dialog box displays.
- In the sample screen above, Yodlee is already a registered Provider. To register with Plaid or Salt Edge, swipe right to enable the Plaid or Salt Edge button.
- Click Save. Then, click Yes to confirm that you want to register the Provider(s).
- Continue with the Set up Bank Direct Connect (Bank Settings) section below.
Return to top
Set up Bank Direct Connect (Bank Settings)
Plaid (Select Provider and Connect Financial Institutions)
After selecting Plaid from the Select Aggregation Provider drop-down list, select the appropriate institution from the Select Financial Institution drop-down list. Then, select the appropriate connection from the Choose Connection drop-down list for the related institution. With Plaid, you can have multiple connections (with different credentials) to the same institution (click the New button to add a connection).
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
The naming convention for connections with each Financial Institution will start with Connection_1, and continue with consecutive numbers. In the sample screen below the Financial Institution (Tartan Bank) has two connections, the first connection created for this bank is Connection_1, the second, Connection_2, and so on.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Bank Direct Connect with Plaid - Supported Countries
Plaid is available to provide access to Financial Institutions for the following countries:
- Canada
- Denmark
- France
- Germany
- Ireland
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Spain
- Sweden
Note: If nothing is selected from the list of available countries, the USA value will default as the country. Therefore, only USA banks will be available when you click New.
You can select one or more countries by holding the Ctrl key and clicking with your mouse. Then click the right arrow to move the selected country/countries to the right textbox.
From here, you can click New (as in step 3 below) to continue and select your Financial Institutions. Financial Institutions will display based upon the selected country/countries.
Note: Plaid does not provide Accounting Seed with a single comprehensive listing of all supported Financial Institutions. The Plaid website includes a short listing of the larger Financial Institutions. However, that listing does not include every supported Financial Institution. When you click New (as in step 3 below) to search for and select your Financial Institutions, each Plaid accessible Financial Institution will be included. If a Financial Institution is not listed, it is one that is not connected to Plaid.
Note: If you are completing the BDC Bank Settings for Yodlee, skip to the Yodlee section below.
- From the Select Aggregation Provider drop-down list, select Plaid.
- If your Financial Institution(s) and Account Name(s) already display in the Map Financial Institution Accounts to Bank GL Accounts section of the Bank Settings tab, continue with the Map Financial Institutions section below. Otherwise, continue with the next step.
- Click New.
- Click Continue.
- Search for and select a desired bank name.
- Enter your Bank Credentials (Username and Password).
- Click Submit.
Important: If multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required, you will be prompted to enter the necessary information.
- Click the checkbox to select the Account(s) that you want to include.
- Click Continue. The Success message displays.
- Click Continue The Success message in Accounting Seed displays and the Bank Settings page refreshes with Plaid as the selected Provider, along with the newly added bank as the selected Financial Institution.
- Continue with the Map Financial Institutions section below.
Return to top
Yodlee (Select Provider and Connect Financial Institutions)
The steps below can be used to set up Bank Direct Connect (Bank Settings) for Yodlee.
- From the Select Aggregation Provider drop-down list, select Yodlee.
- Select a bank from the Select Financial Institution drop-down list.
- If your Financial Institution(s) and Account Name(s) already display in the Map Financial Institution Accounts to Bank GL Accounts section of the Bank Settings tab, continue with the Map Financial Institutions section.
- section below. Otherwise, continue with the next step.
- Click New.
- Select a Financial Institution. Otherwise, search for a Financial Institution.
Enter your username and password to Verify Credentials. Then, click Submit.
Important: If multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required, you will be prompted to enter the information. It might take time for the MFA prompt to display. Do not press Enter more than once.
- Click View Accounts to view all of the Accounts that are linked to the Financial Institution such as, Cash, Credit Cards, etc.
- (Optional) To delete a linked account, click the Gear icon.
- Close the Linked Account window.
- Repeat this process to select additional Financial Institutions, as necessary.
Salt Edge (Select Provider and Connect Financial Institutions)
The steps below can be used to set up Bank Direct Connect (Bank Settings) for Salt Edge.
Note: If you are the user who configures Salt Edge for Bank Direct Connect, your email address will be sent to Salt Edge in case they need to reach you about edge cases based upon regulatory requirements.
- From the Select Aggregation Provider drop-down list, select Salt Edge.
- Click New.
Important: If the page refreshes and displays the Bank Transactions tab (without allowing you to add a new bank), you might need to enable Popups and Redirects in your browser settings or allow Popups and Redirects for your org domain in browser settings. - Enter your bank name in the search textbox.
- Select your bank.
- Enter your credentials (i.e. username and password, etc.).
- (Optional) Select the Account Nature type(s) from the drop-down list.
- Click Proceed.
- Select the checkbox to allow updates with Accounting Seed.
- Click Confirm. The Connecting message displays.
- When completed, the Successfully connected message displays. Click Return to your application. Otherwise, the system will automatically return you to the Bank Settings tab within seconds.
- Continue with the Map Financial Institutions section below.
Return to top
Map Financial Institutions
When all your Financial Institutions have been selected, map the Financial Institution Accounts to the Bank GL Accounts:
Note: The mapping process only needs to be completed on the Financial Institution Accounts (FIAs) for which Bank Transactions will be downloaded.
- Ledger - If the organization has only one Ledger, it automatically displays and cannot be changed. Otherwise, you can select a Ledger from the drop-down list.
Note: If more than one Ledger is available for the organization, this field can be modified for Financial Institutions that are linked from our service provider or for transactions from an import file.
Note: Foreign Bank Transactions from an Aggregation Provider can be mapped to the Ledgers with the same or different currencies. Select the appropriate Ledger from the drop-down list.
Note: If an incorrect Ledger is accidentally selected, click the X to remove the selected Ledger. Then, select the correct one from the drop-down list. - Bank GL Account - Enter the appropriate Bank GL Account.
Note: If an incorrect Bank GL Account is accidentally selected, click the X to remove the selected number. Then, select the correct one from the drop-down list. -
Initial Start Date - Defines the last run date for the initial download.
Important: Be aware that BDC will always start importing transactions 14 days prior to the last run date.
Note: The initial Start Date will only download the Bank Transactions that are available from your Aggregation Provider(s).
With Plaid, in order to download historical transactions, do the following:
Note: Historical transactions that are greater than 30 days are not immediately available from Plaid and may take up to 24 hours before they can be imported. However, the Download button mentioned below allows for downloading the historical transactions.
- If already linked to the Financial Institution Account (FIA), you can leave the Initial Start Date as it is and receive transactions back to that date, assuming those transactions are available in Plaid.
- If not already linked, link to the FIA. When you link the FIA, the bank account will come through as a new account. Be careful to select the correct Initial Start Date. Then, on the Bank Direct Connect – Bank Transactions tab, select each Financial Institution Account and from Download Historical Transactions, click Download. This button will only display for Plaid linked Financial Institution Accounts.
With Yodlee, if you are an existing user and you want to include up to 365 days of Bank Transactions, each existing Financial Institution Account (FIA) will need to be deleted from the Yodlee Fastlink and then re-added. Additionally, you will need to map each Financial Institution Account (FIA) in the BDC - Bank Settings. Deleting the FIAs, re-adding and re-mapping will allow you to include up to 365 days of Bank Transactions.
The Initial Start Date also provides you with the ability to control the amount of initial data that will be downloaded. Up to 365 days of Bank Transactions can be downloaded for both Plaid and/or Yodlee.
- With Salt Edge, clicking the Download button will download all transactions from up to 365 days previous, based upon the Initial Start Date.
- Click Save.
Note: The Scheduled Bank Download job can now be set up. This job will automatically download all posted Bank Transactions for all bank accounts that are connected in Bank Direct Connect (BDC), for all supported Aggregation Providers (Plaid, Salt Edge, or Yodlee).
Under the Add Settings section, click the Enable Global Automated Add checkbox if you want the system to automatically add bank transactions as new source records. The following criteria must be met to automatically be added as a new source record:
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
- Required fields, dependent on source record type, must be populated using Bank Rules.
- There must be no proposed matches.
- The Cash-In Default Source Record Type displays as Cash Receipt and the Cash-Out Default Source Record Type displays as Cash Disbursement. If necessary, select Journal Entry as the Record Type from the drop-down list.
- Under the Pre-populated Account Information, click the Pre-populate Account Info checkbox if you want the system to look at the Description field on a Bank Transaction record for comparison with the Account Name field or the File Import Match Name field on the Account record. If a match is found on the Account record, that information will pre-populate on the Bank Transaction. The comparison process works as “contains” and not as “equal to.”
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Note: If you have Person Accounts enabled, refer to the Account Matching when using Person Accounts section above for Account matching information. -
Under the Match Settings section, click the Enable Global Automated Match checkbox if you want the system to automatically match Bank Transactions to matched source records. Keep in mind that there must be one (and only one) match source record in order for the automatic match to occur.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
- For the Cash-In Default Matching Setting, enter up to 30 days to define the range of days to use when considering possible matches to source records.
- For the Cash-Out Default Matching Setting, enter up to 365 days to define the range of days to use when considering possible matches to source records.
- Click Save.
Yodlee's Open Banking API
Accounting Seed uses Yodlee’s Open Banking API (Application Programming Interface) for Bank Direct Connect for banks that have been Open Banking enabled. Open Banking is a more robust technology that supports how Yodlee (our third party vendor) connects to their bank sites using APIs.
For banks that are Open Banking enabled, new bank accounts are automatically connected to them through the Open Banking API.
Existing bank accounts that are Open Banking enabled can be updated to use the Open Banking API by simply editing the Bank credentials (and MFA, if needed).
Update an Existing Bank Account to the Open Banking API
- From Bank Direct Connect on the Bank Settings tab, locate and select the Financial Institution to be updated.
- Click Refresh Credentials.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen. - The Edit Credentials screen displays. Re-enter your credentials and click Update.
Note: If you have MFA on your account, you will be prompted to enter the MFA information. - Your connected account displays. Click Close to return to the Bank Direct Connect Bank Settings tab.
Banks Supported by Yodlee Open Banking API
For your convenience, we have provided a chart below which outlines the banks currently supported by Yodlee’s Open Banking API. If you use one of these banking sites, you can now add or update your account through Accounting Seed and connect your accounts through the Open Banking API. If your bank is not listed, you can still connect new accounts through the existing Yodlee process, they will still be able to access Yodlee.
Yodlee Open Banking API | |
Current Banks with Open Banking Enabled | |
Citibank | Live |
Chase | Live |
Bank of America | Live |
Charles Schwab | Live |
Brex | Live |
Novo | Live |
Wells Fargo | Live |
Chime | Live |
Capital One | Live |
Yotta | Live |
NFCU | Live |
TD Bank | Live |
Winter '25 Release
Salt Edge is available as an Aggregation Provider for UK customers.
Summer '24 Release
With Plaid, you can have multiple connections (with different credentials) to the same institution.
Has anyone else had issues connecting with RBC Express? We have one account where we cannot select a ledger and no transactions are moving in. I saw some other accounting programs have been having issues with this bank since fall.
Hi Lynn,
For assistance with your question, please open a case with our Customer Support team.
Thank you.
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