Create a Payable from a Purchase Order
Note: Required fields display with a red asterisk (*).
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Create Entries tab. Then, under the Orders menu, click Purchase Orders.
- From the Purchase Order list view, select the Purchase Order(s) for which you want to generate a Payable.
- Click Create Payable. The Create Payable intermediate screen displays.
Note The intermediate screen provides details for each Purchase Order Line (POL), such as the Product Name, Quantity Ordered, Quantity Received, and Invoiced Quantity. If comments were included on the POL, they will display in the Purchase Order Line Comment column. This screen also includes the Total Amount, Invoiced Amount, and Outstanding Amount. - The Issue Date and the Due Date display as blank. Click the Date hyperlink to populate the Issue Date.
Note: Once populated, you can manually change the Issue Date, if necessary.
Note: The Due Date is calculated based upon the Issue Date plus the Payable Days Due on the Account. If the Payable Days Due field on the Account is blank, the Due Date will automatically display the same as the Issue Date. However, you can manually adjust this date, as necessary. - The Purchase Order Status defaults to Open. Click the drop-down list to select a different status, if necessary
- In the Quantity to Pay column, enter the value for which you want to create a Payable.
Note: By selecting a value of 'Yes,' all of the Quantity to Pay fields will auto-populate with the Unbilled Quantities. By selecting a value of 'No,' the Quantity to Pay fields can be manually populated with the desired quantities.
Note: Any Purchase Order Lines will flow through on the Payables as Payable Lines. On the Payable Line, a relationship exists to the Purchase Order Line. This allows for full traceability from the Payable Line to the Purchase Order Line.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
- Click Create Payable to proceed.
- A Payable Edit intermediate screen will display. Make any necessary edits and click Save to save and be directed to the Payable.
Note: These fields on the Payable will default as follows unless you override them when creating a new Payable:- Posting Status defaults to Approved.
- Payment Status defaults to Unpaid.
- Currency is carried over from the Purchase Order Currency.
- Payee Reference, an editable required field, references the PO used and date/time stamps when the Payable is created.
- Accounting Period defaults based on the Payable Date.
Note: Date field on a Payable Line when using New or Mass Add/Edit Rows to add/edit a Payable Line(s) defaults to the Issue Date from the Payable header. Click the X to remove the default date and enter a different date, if necessary.
You will see a Related List of Payable Lines for each Purchase Order Line. This will allow you to see how much has been paid for each Purchase Order Line.
Additional enhancements of this feature are as follows:
- If GL Account Variables 1-4, Project, and Project Task are populated on the Purchase Order Line, these fields will be mapped to the Payable Line.
Accounting for Payables of an Inventoried Product
Purchase Orders are typically associated with Inventoried Products. There are (2) steps in processing these Purchase Orders:
- The Receive Purchase Order process that creates the Purchase Order Inventory Movement (see Receiving/Unreceiving a Purchase Order) for more detail).
- The Payable that records the liability to the vendor for monies owed. It is important to note that when a Payable is created for an inventoried product, the debit portion of the GL transaction will always be to Vouchers Payable. The Vouchers Payable account serves as a temporary suspense account that is offset by the Purchase Order Receive process. Please note: It is a best practice that the Receive Purchase Order be completed prior to the creation of the Payable.
Important: The Quantity to pay must be equal to or less than the Quantity on the PO Line. If the Quantity was over-received, the Payable Line will need to be updated so that the Quantity and Unit Cost match the Quantity Received and Unit Cost of the PO Line. This will ensure that the Vouchers Payable is properly cleared.
The implications of this are that the Expense GL Account field on the Payable Line from a Payable created from a Purchase Order will always be to the Vouchers Payable GL Account (as defined in Accounting Settings). For a more detailed discussion of the accounting behind this process, please see Debit & Credit Entries Created When Posting.
Spring '24 Release
A comment column was added to the Create Payable intermediate screen.
Summer '23 Release
- On the Create Payable from the Purchase Order intermediate screen, the Issue Date will no longer default to today’s date and has been set to blank.
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