An alert can be set on an inventory quantity to notify a user or group of users (Queue) when the quantity available on the balance drops below a desired level.
Note: You can also create a flow for low stock alerts. For more information, refer to the Low Inventory Alert Flow article.
Set up an Alert
To set up an alert, perform the following steps:
1. Create the following additional custom fields to the Inventory Quantity Available object:
- Alert Level Qty (Data Type: Number, Length: 12, Decimal Places: 6) - Please note that the Safety Stock Quantity field on the Product object can be used as a substitute for this field.
- Qty Above Alert (Data Type: Formula, Formula Return Type: Number: AcctSeedERP__Available_Quantity__c- Alert_Level_Qty__c).
2. Add a workflow rule: Inventory Quantity Available Below Alert Qty with the following settings:
- Inventory Quantity Available: Qty Above Alert is Less than or Equal to 0.
- Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria.
- Immediate workflow actions equals task or email. (Note: If email below is a template for the email).
3. Populate the Alert Level Quantity field on each Inventory Quantity Available you desire to receive the alert on.
Sample Lightning Email Template
The available quantity for the following Inventory Quantity Available is below the alert Level:
Product: {{{AcctSeedERP__Inventory_Balance__c.AcctSeedERP__Product__c}}}
Warehouse: {{{AcctSeedERP__Inventory_Balance__c.AcctSeedERP__Warehouse__c}}}
Location: {{{AcctSeedERP__Inventory_Balance__c.AcctSeedERP__Location__c}}}
Available Quantity: {{{AcctSeedERP__Inventory_Balance__c.AcctSeedERP__Available_Quantity__c}}}
Alert Level Qty: {{{AcctSeedERP__Inventory_Balance__c.Alert_Level_Quantity__c}}}
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