Prior to performing the necessary steps to import your inventory quantity balances, please read Creating/Entering Opening Balances Overview.
In addition, you must have the following set up in Accounting Seed:
- Warehouses (physical or virtual buildings)
- Locations (a location within a warehouse, i.e., Bin 1 or Aisle 4)
- Products (physical goods to resell)
In Accounting Seed, the creation of your Opening Inventory Balances (Quantity) is a multi-step process as follows:
- Create Inventory Quantity Available (IQA).
- Enter an inbound inventory movement for each product.
Each IQA record is comprised of a unique combination of four (4) elements:
- Warehouse
- Location
- Product
- Ledger
If you do not have Warehouses and the Locations set up in Accounting Seed, you must create them first. Depending on the number of warehouses and locations required, it may be helpful to use the Accounting Seed “Warehouse & Locations” Import Template to create them. You must also have the inventory products you will be creating balances for already set up in Accounting Seed. If you have not yet set up your Products in Accounting Seed, set them up using the “Products and Tax Rates” Import Template.
Step 1 - Upload the Inventory Quantity Available (Master Record)
- Download the Opening Inventory Balances (Quantity) Template located on the Accounting Seed Import Templates page.
- Read the Guidance Tab on the Opening Inventory Balances (Quantity) import template carefully and completely before moving forward.
- Navigate to the second worksheet tab labeled Inventory Quantity Available and complete all required fields. You must enter:
- either the Warehouse Name or Warehouse Salesforce (SF) Identification (ID). It is best to use the SF ID when possible.
- either the Location Name or Location SF ID. It is best to use the SF ID when possible.
- enter the Product SF ID.
Note: If you prefer, you can use Salesforce Data Loader to export your Warehouse, Location, and Product information to obtain the SF ID.
- RECOMMENDATION: Save the Inventory Quantity Available worksheet.
- Delete all the worksheets in the import file except the Inventory Quantity Available worksheet.
- Delete any rows that are not pertinent to the upload (i.e., Row 1: Instruction row, Key legend, etc.) and any columns that have no data populating them.
- Save the file as a CSV file.
- Using either the Salesforce Data Loader or the Data Import Wizard, import this file. Refer to the Salesforce knowledge articles on the importing process and how to use the Data Import Wizard or Data Loader.
Using the Data Import Wizard
- Click the Gear icon and select Setup. Then, search for and select the Data Import Wizard.
- Under Import your data in 3 easy steps! click Launch Wizard.
- Select the Custom Objects tab.
- Scroll through the list of Objects and select Inventory Quantity Available.
- Under Import your Data into Salesforce, click Add New Records.
- Under What do you want to do:
- For Which Location field in your file do you want to match against to set the Location lookup field? select either Name or Salesforce ID (depending on what you used).
- For Which Product field in your file do you want to match against to set the Product lookup field? select Salesforce ID.
- For Which Warehouse field in your file do you want to match against to set the Warehouse lookup field? select either Name or Salesforce ID (depending on what you used).
- In the “Where is your data located?” section, click on Choose File and select the file that you saved in Step 1 - Upload Inventory Balance (Master Record) sub step 7 to upload.
- Click Next and follow the prompts to complete the upload.
- Open the Results file (generated after the import is complete) and verify that the upload was successful. Address any errors as necessary.
- Keep the Results file open to use in Step 2 - Upload Inventory Movements (Detail Records).
Step 2 - Upload Inventory Movements (Detail Records)
- Open the Template file you saved in Step 1 - Upload Inventory Quantity Available (Master Record) sub step 4 and select the Inv. Movement (Open Balance) worksheet.
- Copy the newly created Salesforce ID's for the Inventory Quantity Available records from the results file into the import template. Paste this data into the column labeled Inventory SF ID.
- Complete all the required information on the Inv. Movement (Open Balance) worksheet.
- Required Fields:
- Inventory SF ID.
- Quantity (on hand)
- Type = Accounting
- Movement Date: this must be in an open period and should be the last day of the period preceding your go-live date in Accounting Seed.
- Credit GL Account: this should be set to the Opening Balances GL Account. Refer to Creating/Entering Opening Balances Overview for questions on this GL Account.
- Optional Fields
Note: It is best to use the SF ID when possible.
- Serial Number
- GL Variables
- Project
- Project Task
- Ledger
- Required Fields:
- RECOMMENDATION: Save the Inv. Movement (Open Balance) worksheet.
- Delete all the worksheets in the import file except the Inv. Movement (Open Balance) worksheet.
- Delete any rows and columns that are not pertinent to the upload (i.e., Row 1 - Instruction row, Key legend, etc.) or are empty.
- Save the file as a CSV file.
- Using either the Salesforce Data Loader or the Data Import Wizard, import this file. Refer to the Salesforce knowledge articles on the importing process and how to use the Data Import Wizard or Data Loader.
Using the Data Import Wizard
- Click the Gear icon and select Setup. Then, search for and select the Data Import Wizard.
- Under Import your data in 3 easy steps! click Launch Wizard.
- Select the Custom Objects tab.
- Scroll through the list of Objects and select Inbound Inventory Movements.
- Under Import your Data into Salesforce, click Add New Records.
- Under What do you want to do:
- For Which Accounting Variable field in your file do you want to match against to set the GL Variable "X" (1, 2, 3, and 4) lookup field? select either Name or Salesforce ID (depending on what you used).
- For Which Ledger field in your file do you want to match against to set the Ledger lookup field? select Name or Salesforce ID (depending on what you used).
- For Which Project Task field in your file do you want to match against to set the Project Task lookup field? select either Name or Salesforce ID (depending on what you used).
- For Which Project field in your file do you want to match against to set the Project lookup field? select either Name or Salesforce ID (depending on what you used).
- For Which Inventory Balance field in your file specifies the Master/Detail relationship? leave the default choice of Salesforce ID.
- In the “Where is your data located?” section, click on Choose File and select the file that you saved in Step 2 - Upload Inventory Movement (Detail Records) sub step 7 to upload.
- Click Next and follow the prompts to complete the upload.
- Open the Results file (generated after the import is complete) and verify that the upload was successful. Address any errors as necessary.
Congratulations. Your Inventory Quantity balances are now entered and available in Accounting Seed.
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