A Recurring Billing is a Billing template that allows you to create billing records that should be repeated during a defined future interval.
Note: After creating a Recurring Billing(s), if you would like to automate the process for running, refer to the Automated Jobs article to schedule the Recurring Billing job.
Do you want to:
Create a Recurring Billing
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Setup tab. Then, under the Automations menu, click Recurring Billings.
- Click New.
Note: Setting up a Recurring Billing includes an Owner field that is populated with the login user name.
Note: The Opportunity field is not required for the New Recurring Billing to be saved. However, it is helpful to use this field if a specific opportunity relates to this Billing. - The following fields are required before the New Recurring Billing can be saved:
- Recurring Billing Name: Any name can be used.
- Customer: Search for the customer name to send the Billing.
- Status: Determines if the Recurring Billing should still be used (defaults to Active, can be set to Inactive).
Billing Frequency defaults to Monthly but can be reset to:
- Weekly
- Bi-weekly
- Quarterly
- Semi-Annual
- Annual
Note: Accounting Seed does not support the usage of custom frequencies.
- Next Billing Date: Used to specify the creation date of the next Billing.
- Complete the following optional fields:
End Date: Used to specify the date until which Billings can be created from this Recurring Billing. If the Next Billing Date is equal to or greater than the End Date, the Status on the Recurring Billing will automatically be set to “Inactive.” If an attempt is made to create a Billing after the End Date, a message displays to indicate that “You cannot create a Billing from an inactive Recurring Billing record.”
Note: The existing End Date can be manually changed and the Status can be reset to “Active,” if necessary.
- Last Billing Date: Used for recording the date the last Billing was created from this Recurring Billing template. It is ignored when creating a new Billing.
End Date: Used to specify the date until which Billings can be created from this Recurring Billing. If the Next Billing Date is equal to or greater than the End Date, the Status on the Recurring Billing will automatically be set to “Inactive.” If an attempt is made to create a Billing after the End Date, a message displays to indicate that “You cannot create a Billing from an inactive Recurring Billing record.”
- Exit the New Recurring Billing screen by clicking:
- Save: Saves the New Recurring Billing.
- Save & New: Saves the New Recurring Billing screen and offers another (blank) New Recurring Billing screen to populate (repeat this process until all required Recurring Billings have been created).
- Cancel: Cancels the current New Recurring Billing.
Note: The Exclude from Automation checkbox is used in conjunction with scheduled jobs. By default, this is unchecked and the Recurring Billing record will be included in a scheduled job. When checked, the Recurring Billing record will be excluded from the scheduled job.
Create Recurring Billing Lines
The Advanced Line Manager functionality that includes the data grid with expand/collapse drawer capabilities is available when creating a Recurring Billing Line.
Note: For information about the Advanced Line Manager, including functionality, refer to the Advanced Line Manager article.
If you already have a Recurring Billing displayed, continue with step 2. Otherwise, navigate to Accounting Home and click the Setup tab. Then, under the Automations menu, click Recurring Billings. Do the following:
- Select a list view (other than the Recently Viewed list view).
- Select a desired Recurring Billing. Then, continue with step 2.
The initial row displays in the expand/collapse data grid. Complete the required fields.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
- Date - click the Calendar icon to select the Recurring Billing Line Date.
- Quantity
- Unit Price
(Optional) Complete the following fields, as necessary.
- Product
- Revenue GL Account
- Comment
- GL Variable 1-4
- Project/Project Task
Note: If a Project is selected, a Project Task must also be selected. -
Tax Group - click the Lookup icon to search for and select the Tax Group.
Note: If Header Level Posting (HLP) is enabled and using AS Native Tax calculation, the Tax Group field is available. For information about Tax Groups, refer to the Set up AS Native Tax article.
Note: If the Tax Group on the line has the Tax Inclusive checkbox selected, and you need information about the tax calculation, refer to the Tax Group information above in this article.
- Click Save.
- (Optional) Click Add Row to include an additional row(s).
Note: The Recurring Billing Line limit is 500 lines/rows. However, if you have the Large Data Optimizer feature enabled, the line limit is 20,000.
Clone a Recurring Billing
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Setup tab. Then, under the Automations menu, click Recurring Billings.
- Select a list view (other than the Recently Viewed list view).
- Click the Recurring Billing that you want to clone.
- Click Clone w/Lines. The Clone with Lines dialog box displays.
- (Optional) Update the Next Billing Date.
Note: The Next Billing Date defaults to today’s date. - (Optional) Select the appropriate Currency from the drop-down list.
Note: The Currency drop-down list only displays if Multi-currency is enabled. - Click Clone.
- On the Edit dialog box, update the Recurring Billing information, as needed.
- Click Save.
Spring '24 Release
- The Tax Inclusive calculation is available if you are using Header Level Posting (HLP) with AS Native Tax as your tax method.
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