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Accounting Seed has three reporting tools built into the core product. This graphic is designed to provide direction in choosing a report to use for your accounting data.
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Detailed General Ledger (Transactions)
All accounting data is housed in the Detailed General Ledger table. This table is named "Transactions" in Accounting Seed. There are 13 data tables that feed the Detailed General Ledger (labeled "Source Tables" in the map above) and are introduced in the General Ledger Balances Map article. These data tables rest on top of what we call Master Data. Together, Master Data and Source Data are the foundation for the Detailed General Ledger.
Master Data
Master Data is best described as the data required to run the system versus Source Data tables that capture data that reflects the events that actually happened when interacting with your customers and vendors and operating your business.
Financial Reporter
Since a company can accumulate a lot of accounting data in the Detailed General Ledger, Accounting Seed summarizes this table into another table called Financial Cubes so reports can run much faster. Financial Cubes are created when source documents are posted (and updated when source documents are posted or unposted). In addition, when an Accounting Period is closed, other types of Financial Cubes are created. Running a report takes the existing Financial Cubes and creates the report result records that the report UI uses to present the data on screen. Financial Cubes serve as the Summary General Ledger and is the main data table used for traditional accounting reports accessed via our Financial Reporter. Included reports are:
- Profit and Loss
- Profit and Loss vs Budget
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flow
- Trial Balance
- Ledger Inquiry
- Custom Reports
Reports in the Financial Reporter support drilling down to detailed transactions, source transactions, and master data.
Management Reporter
Every data table or object in the system can be reported on with management reports including the Transactions, Financial Cubes, Source Tables, and Master Data Tables. The Management reporter is also known as the Salesforce reporter. The Management reporter has a drag and drop user interface for building reports. Reports can be summarized but contain drill down to underlying detail.
Dashboards are a graphical view of your data and are made from management reports. Once a management report is made it can be included with other reports in a single dashboard including individual graphical dashboard components. Dashboards also support drilling down to underlying transaction data.
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