Below is a sample test class for Accounting Seed's Billing object. This class can be used to test whether your code is working as expected.
public class BillingExampleTest {
public static void testCreateBilling() {
// insert 1 Account
Account acct = new Account(
Name = 'Test Account');
insert acct;
// insert 4 billing formats
AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c[] PDFformats = new List<AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c>();
new AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c(
Name = 'Default Billing Product',
AcctSeed__Visualforce_PDF_Page__c = 'BillingProductPDF',
AcctSeed__Default_Email_Template__c = [Select Id, DeveloperName From EmailTemplate limit 1].DeveloperName,
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Billing',
AcctSeed__Sort_Field__c = 'Name'
new AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c(
Name = 'Default Billing Service',
AcctSeed__Visualforce_PDF_Page__c = 'BillingServicePDF',
AcctSeed__Default_Email_Template__c = [Select Id, DeveloperName From EmailTemplate limit 1].DeveloperName,
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Billing',
AcctSeed__Sort_Field__c = 'Name'
new AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c (
Name = 'Billing Outstanding Statement',
AcctSeed__Visualforce_PDF_Page__c = 'BillingOutstandingStatementPDF',
AcctSeed__Default_Email_Template__c = [Select Id, DeveloperName From EmailTemplate limit 1].DeveloperName,
AcctSeed__ReplyTo_Email__c = 'test3463464364646@gmail.com',
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Outstanding Statement'
new AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c (
Name = 'Billing Activity Statement',
AcctSeed__Visualforce_PDF_Page__c = 'BillingActivityStatementPDF',
AcctSeed__Default_Email_Template__c = [Select Id, DeveloperName From EmailTemplate limit 1].DeveloperName,
AcctSeed__ReplyTo_Email__c = 'test3463464364646@gmail.com',
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Activity Statement'
new AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c(
Name = 'Default Purchase Order',
AcctSeed__Visualforce_PDF_Page__c = 'BillingServicePDF',
AcctSeed__Default_Email_Template__c = [Select Id, DeveloperName From EmailTemplate limit 1].DeveloperName,
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Purchase Order',
AcctSeed__Sort_Field__c = 'Name'
new AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c(
Name = 'Default Packing Slip',
AcctSeed__Visualforce_PDF_Page__c = 'BillingServicePDF',
AcctSeed__Default_Email_Template__c = [Select Id, DeveloperName From EmailTemplate limit 1].DeveloperName,
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Packing Slip',
AcctSeed__Sort_Field__c = 'Name'
insert PDFformats;
// insert 2 cash flow GL Accounts
AcctSeed__GL_Account__c [] glAccounts = new List<AcctSeed__GL_Account__c>();
new AcctSeed__GL_Account__c(
Name = '1000-Cash',
AcctSeed__Active__c = true,
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Balance Sheet',
AcctSeed__Bank__c = true,
AcctSeed__Sub_Type_1__c = 'Assets',
AcctSeed__Sub_Type_2__c = 'Cash'
new AcctSeed__GL_Account__c(
Name = '1205-Unapplied A/R',
AcctSeed__Active__c = true,
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Balance Sheet',
AcctSeed__Sub_Type_1__c = 'Assets',
AcctSeed__Sub_Type_2__c = 'Cash'
insert glAccounts;
// insert 1 Ledger records
AcctSeed__Ledger__c ledger = new AcctSeed__Ledger__c(
Name = 'Actual',
AcctSeed__Type__c = 'Transactional',
AcctSeed__Default_Bank_Account__c = glAccounts[0].id,
AcctSeed__Default_Billing_Format__c = PDFformats[0].Id,
AcctSeed__Billing_Outstanding_Statement_Format__c = PDFformats[2].Id,
AcctSeed__Billing_Activity_Statement_Format__c = PDFformats[3].Id,
AcctSeed__Default_Purchase_Order_Format__c = PDFformats[4].Id,
AcctSeed__Default_Packing_Slip_Format__c = PDFformats[5].Id);
insert ledger;
// insert 1 Accounting Period
AcctSeed__Accounting_Period__c acctPeriod = new AcctSeed__Accounting_Period__c(
Name = '1991-10',
AcctSeed__Start_Date__c = Date.newinstance(1991, 10, 1),
AcctSeed__End_Date__c = Date.newinstance(1991, 10, 31),
AcctSeed__Status__c = 'Open');
insert acctPeriod;
// --- START HERE ---
// Create BILLING RECORDS to post and unpost
AcctSeed__Billing__c[] billings = new List <AcctSeed__Billing__c> ();
new AcctSeed__Billing__c(
AcctSeed__Billing_Cycle_Start_Date__c = System.today(),
AcctSeed__Billing_Cycle_End_Date__c = System.today() + 30,
AcctSeed__Date__c = System.today(),
AcctSeed__Customer__c = [Select Id From Account limit 1].Id,
AcctSeed__Status__c = 'Approved',
AcctSeed__Due_Date2__c = System.today() + 30,
AcctSeed__Ledger__c = ledger.Id,
AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c = PDFformats[0].Id,
AcctSeed__Accounting_Period__c = [Select Id From AcctSeed__Accounting_Period__c limit 1].Id
new AcctSeed__Billing__c(
AcctSeed__Billing_Cycle_Start_Date__c = System.today(),
AcctSeed__Billing_Cycle_End_Date__c = System.today() + 30,
AcctSeed__Date__c = System.today(),
AcctSeed__Customer__c = [Select Id From Account limit 1].Id,
AcctSeed__Status__c = 'Approved',
AcctSeed__Due_Date2__c = System.today() + 30,
AcctSeed__Ledger__c = ledger.Id,
AcctSeed__Billing_Format__c = PDFformats[0].Id,
AcctSeed__Accounting_Period__c = [Select Id From AcctSeed__Accounting_Period__c limit 1].Id
insert billings;
System.assertEquals(1, [Select count() FROM AcctSeed__Billing__c WHERE Id = :billings[0].Id]);
// Create billing line records to post and unpost
AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c[] bLines = new List <AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c> ();
for (AcctSeed__Billing__c bill : billings) {
AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c objBillingLine = new AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c();
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Billing__c = bill.id;
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Date__c = System.today();
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Rate__c = 25;
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Hours_Units__c = 1;
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Revenue_GL_Account__c = glAccounts[1].id;
objBillingLine = new AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c();
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Billing__c = bill.id;
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Date__c = System.today();
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Rate__c = 25;
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Hours_Units__c = 2;
objBillingLine.AcctSeed__Revenue_GL_Account__c = glAccounts[1].id;
insert bLines;
System.assertEquals(1, [Select count() FROM AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c WHERE Id = :bLines[0].Id LIMIT 1]);
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