The Advanced Line Manager functionality provides a data grid with collapse and expand drawer capabilities for creating lines/rows. This functionality allows you to create the line data directly from a record detail page, which saves time from switching between pages to create the lines.
While the Advanced Line Manager functionality is available for the objects that are listed below, you can add it to any objects that have a parent/child relationship, such as Billing/Billing Line or Project/Project Task.
- Payable
- Payment Proposal
- Recurring Billing
- Recurring Payable
- Recurring Journal Entry
Do you want to:
- Add a Lightning Record Page for the Advanced Line Manager
- View Field Sets associated with the Advanced Line Manager
- Add the Advanced Line Manager Functionality to other Objects
- View the Advanced Line Manager Functionality
- Add a Row using the Advanced Line Manager
- Import a Template File
- Export Lines into a File
- Review Error Messages
Add a Lightning Record Page for the Advanced Line Manager
Note: If you are adding the Advanced Line Manager functionality to an object other than the ones that are listed above, refer to the information in the Add the Advanced Line Manager Functionality to other Objects section below.
The ability to use the Advanced Line Manager requires adding a Lightning Record page (or updating your existing Lightning Record page). The Lightning Record page on the Payable object is ALM Payable Record Home. The page on the Payment Proposal object is Payment Proposal Record Page. And, the Lightning Record pages on the Recurring objects include the following:
- Recurring Billing Record Home – Summer ‘22
- Recurring Payable Record Home – Summer ’22
- Recurring Journal Entry Record Home – Summer ’22.
Use the steps below to add a Lightning Record page.
Note: The step below show how to add the Lightning Record page for the Recurring Billing object. However, you can use similar steps to add the other pages mentioned in this section.
- Display a Recurring Billing.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- From the left navigation panel, select Lightning Record Pages.
- Click the Recurring Billing Record Home - Summer ‘22 hyperlink.
- Click View.
- Click Activation.
- Click Assign as Org Default. Then, leave Desktop as the default radio button.
- Click Next.
- Click Save.
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Field Sets associated with Advanced Line Manager
Note: If you are adding the Advanced Line Manager functionality to an object other than the ones listed above, refer to the information in the Add the Advanced Line Manager Functionality to other Objects section below.
Two field sets have been added to the line objects for Payables and Recurring objects.
- Advanced Line Manager Columns – this relates to the top section of the data grid, which displays when the drawer is collapsed (parent row).
Advanced Line Manager Drawer – this relates to the section of the data grid that displays when the drawer is expanded (child row).
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
On the Payment Proposal object, the two field sets are listed below. For additional information, refer to the Payment Proposals article.
- Aggregate Payment Proposal Lines – used in conjunction with the Aggregate by Payee checkbox on the Payment Proposal screen. When the Aggregate by Payee checkbox is selected, this field set refers to the parent row.
Detail Payment Proposal Lines - when the Aggregate by Payee checkbox is selected, this field set refers to the child (expanded) row(s).
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
The fields that display on the data grid are configured in these field sets and can be modified based upon the requirements of your organization. For more information, refer to the Edit a Field Set article.
Add the Advanced Line Manager Functionality to other Objects
Note: The steps below provide information to add the Advanced Line Manager functionality to the Billing object. However, similar steps can be used to add this functionality to any object that has a parent/child relationship, such as Project/Project Task.
Create two new field sets for the object that has the child relationship. Using this example, create two new fields sets for the Billing Line object. One field set will be used for the collapsed drawer and the other will be used for the expanded drawer in the Advanced Line Manager.
Note: Refer to this Salesforce article to create a field set.
Note: For the Field Label and the API Name, use a naming convention that is similar to the sample screen below.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Important: The field sets must be created before you can add the Advanced Line Manager component in the steps below.
Note: After you have the field sets created, you can edit the field sets to add the field names that you would like to see in the collapsed drawer (first field set) and the field names that you want to see in the expanded drawer (second field set).
- Display a Billing with Billing Lines.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Page.
- Select an insertion point on the page to add a component. Using this example, select to insert a component above the Billing Lines related list.
- From the left navigation panel, scroll down to the Custom – Managed section. Then, drag and drop Advanced Line Manager component into the insertion point on the page.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
- In the right panel, from the Child Relationship field, search for and select the relationship that you want with the parent. Using this example, since this is on the Billing page, we want to select the Billing Line as the Child Relationship. Therefore, search for and select:
AcctSeed__Billing_Line__c.AcctSeed__Billing__c (AcctSeed__Project_Billing_Lines__r)
- Enter the Column Fieldset, which is the first field set that you added above.
- Enter the Drawer Fieldset, which is the second field set that you added above.
Note: If you are configuring this on the Journal Entry/Journal Entry Line, you might want to enter 2 in the Number Of Initial Rows field since Journal Entries require at least two lines. The Row Count on Add Row provides the ability to add more than one row each time you click Add Row in the Advanced Line Manager, and you can set the Line Order and Field to Sort. Also, the CSV Management checkbox should be de-selected.
Note: For information about the Row Template and Row Change Handler (in the screen above), for adding custom labels, refer to the Advanced Line Manager API documentation.
- (Optional) Select the Enable Caching checkbox (last one on the screen above) to allow new rows in the Advanced Line Manager to be created more quickly.
Note: This is a good option to select if you notice slowness when adding new rows.
- Click Save.
- Click Activate.
- Click Assign as Org Default. Then, leave Desktop as the default radio button.
- Click Next.
- Click Save.
- In the upper left section of the screen, click the left arrow to return to the Billing.
- Refresh the page.
The Advanced Line Manager data grid should display with any existing Billing Lines.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
- Click a right-arrow(s) to expand a row on the data grid.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Note: Once the Advanced Line Manager is available on the appropriate object and your existing data is available in the data grid, you can remove the old related list so that you do not have double line information displaying. Using this example, when you can see your existing data in the Advanced Line Manager on the Billing screen, you can remove the Billing Lines related list.
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Advanced Line Manager Functionality
The Advanced Line Manager (ALM) functionality includes the following:
Note: Some of the sample screens in this section show Advanced Line Manager from the Payable screen. However, the functionality is the same on many screens that have the Advanced Line Manager.
The ability to include images and hyperlinks that are created using formula fields:
If you include images on your products or other objects and would like to have a formula field that displays an image in the Advanced Line Manager, you will need to create a formula field. Once the new formula field is created, you will need to add it to the Advanced Line Manager Columns or Drawer field set.
Best Practice: Since an image typically takes up extra real estate on the screen, the new image formula field should be added to the Advanced Line Manager Drawer field set.
If you want to include a hyperlink to a document, you can create formula fields. Create a text formula field and a URL formula field. The text formula field should reference the API Name of the URL field. For example, HYPERLINK(URL_field_c “my URL”). The URL field would contain the hyperlink to the file. For example, a PDF file for a Contact. Once the new formula fields are created, you will need to add them to the Advanced Line Manager Columns or Drawer field set.
Important: In order for the clicked hyperlink from the Advanced Line Manager to actually take you to the document, both the text formula field and the URL formula field must be populated in the Advanced Line Manager Columns or Drawer field set.
For information about using images and hyperlinks in formula fields, refer to the Use Images in Formula Fields Salesforce article. Additionally, if you need information about how to add the new formula fields to the Advanced Line Manager field sets, refer to the Edit a Field Set article.
If you include images on your products or other objects and would like to have a formula field that displays an image in the Advanced Line Manager, you will need to create a formula field. Once the new formula field is created, you will need to add it to the Advanced Line Manager Columns or Drawer field set.
The data grid includes standard fields from the field set. These fields can be edited on the field set. For more information, refer to the Edit a Field Set article.
The ability to click the right-arrow to expand the drawer. Once the drawer is expanded, a down-arrow will display with the open drawer. The down-arrow can be clicked at any time to collapse the drawer, if necessary.
Button options that display on the upper-right section of the data grid include the following:
Note: The Import and Export buttons are not applicable on all screens that have the Advanced Line Manager, such as Payment Proposal.
Add Row - the ability to add one or multi rows to the data grid can be performed by clicking Add Row. The new row(s) will display at the bottom of the last row. For example, the Payable record that currently displays has 2 pages of Payable Lines. Then, Add Row is clicked to add a new row. The new row will display at the bottom of the last row on page 2.
Note: If you have AP Automation with the Email to Payable feature, when a Vendor emails an invoice, a Payable record will automatically be created with the first Payable Line created in the Advanced Line Manager.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Save - when a change is made to the information on the data grid, this button becomes enabled. Click Save to save any changes.
Important: Click Save prior to leaving the record detail page. Otherwise, changes will be lost. For example, if you are on the Payable record detail page, and leave this page to access the Accounts page without clicking Save, any changes on the Payable Lines data grid will be lost.
Refresh - reloads the data grid with the latest/most recent information.
Import - used to import new and/or existing template file data as Payable Lines into the data grid. For more information, refer to the Import a Template File section below.
Export - used to export Payable Lines into a .CSV file for reviewing and/or updating. For more information, refer to the Export Lines into a File section below.
Delete - used to delete one or multiple rows of data. Select the row(s) that you want to delete. Then, click Delete.
Important: Clicking Delete is a soft Delete. Click Save to complete the Delete action.
Undo - provides the ability to undo the last action that was performed prior to clicking Save. Additionally, you can continue to click Undo to undo any additional actions that were performed prior to saving. If you attempt to use the Undo button after saving information, the “No recent updates” message will display.
Redo - if the Undo button was used to undo information in a field(s), the Redo button can be used to re-add the data that was removed from a field(s). Redo can be clicked to redo the last action and any other actions that were performed prior to clicking Save.
Add Row - the ability to add one or multi rows to the data grid can be performed by clicking Add Row. The new row(s) will display at the bottom of the last row. For example, the Payable record that currently displays has 2 pages of Payable Lines. Then, Add Row is clicked to add a new row. The new row will display at the bottom of the last row on page 2.
Three actions can be performed from the Actions drop-down list.
Clone - use this action to make a clone of the existing row. When a row is cloned, the same line number displays for the clone version of the row. The line number can be updated to the next sequential line number by clicking the Pencil icon to make the change. The order of the line numbers following the change will adjust to the correct numbering sequence after clicking Save.
When you have unsaved changes on the Advanced Line Manager, if there are more than 1,000 lines and you perform an action that requires loading additional records, the normal “unsaved changes” message will display. Click Stay on this List to continue or click Discard Changes to move from the current page without saving (changes will be lost).
Note: Line number order can be modified if you have one of the following permission levels:
- AS Full Admin
- Accounting Manager
- Cash Out Banking
Edit - use this action to make changes to a line. Clicking the Edit action displays the Edit Record dialog box. Make any necessary changes. Then, click Save
Note: Clicking Save from the Edit dialog box is a soft Save. After saving here, click Save on the button row that displays at the top right section of the data grid.
Note: In addition to using the Edit action to make changes, fields that are editable on the data grid display with the Pencil icon. Therefore, on any field that has this icon, click the Pencil icon to make an edit. Then, click Save to save your changes. Additionally, you can click the Pencil icon to make changes on multiple rows and then, click Save once to save all of the changes at the same time.
Delete - use this action to delete a single row.
Note: Clicking the Delete action is a soft Delete. To complete the deletion, click Save on the button row that displays at the top right section of the data grid.
Clone - use this action to make a clone of the existing row. When a row is cloned, the same line number displays for the clone version of the row. The line number can be updated to the next sequential line number by clicking the Pencil icon to make the change. The order of the line numbers following the change will adjust to the correct numbering sequence after clicking Save.
- Up to 10 rows per page will display in the data grid. If you have more than 10 rows, normal pagination will be available to select the Next/Previous page and/or pages in between.
Additionally, with more than 10 rows, the Go to page textbox will display. You can enter a specific page number and click Go to jump to the selected page.
Note: This is very helpful if you have the Large Data Optimizer feature enabled, which may include a large number of rows.
- Column headings on the data grid are sortable. Click the up-arrow or down-arrow to change the sort order from ascending to descending.
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Add a Row (line) using the Advanced Line Manager
Note: The steps below show how to add a row using the Advanced Line Manager from the Payable screen. However, similar information, such as clicking Add Row is applicable in order to add a row on any screen that has the Advanced Line Manager.
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Create Entries tab. Then, under the Expenses menu, click Payables. Do the following:
- Select a list view (other than the Recently Viewed list view).
- Select a desired Payable. Then, continue with step 2.
- Click Add Row. The initial row displays in the data grid. The Date field automatically populates from the Issue Date on the Payable record.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Note: If an amount is entered in the Total field, after you click Save, this same amount will automatically populate in the Unit Cost field and the Quantity will be 1. If the Total field is left blank, the Unit Cost is required.
The amount that is entered in the Unit Cost field multiplied by the Quantity plus the Tax Amount will determine the Total. If the Total equals this equation (Quantity x Unit Cost + Tax Amount = Total), then the Unit Cost and the Total can be entered simultaneously. If the Quantity field is blank, upon saving, a Quantity of one will auto-populate for the line.
Best Practice: To ensure that the correct Quantity and Unit Cost are reflected on the Payable, it is strongly recommended that the Quantity and Unit Cost be entered on the Payable Line. If only the Total amount is entered, the Quantity will always be set to 1 once Save is clicked.
Note: If an Expense GL Account has been included on the customer Account record or a Product was entered, which includes an Expense GL Account, this GL Account will automatically populate in the Expense GL Account field on the Payable Line. Otherwise, the Expense GL Account is a required field. - Click the right-arrow to expand the drawer.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
(Optional) Complete the following fields, as necessary.
- Product
- Quantity
- Total
- Tax Amount - populates automatically upon saving the row. However, you can click the Pencil icon to modify the Tax Amount, if necessary.
- Tax Group - click the Lookup icon to search for and select the Tax Group.
Note: If Header Level Posting (HLP) is enabled and using AS Native Tax calculation, the Tax Group field is available. For information about Tax Groups, refer to the Set up AS Native Tax article. -
Project/Project Task
Note: If a Project is selected, a Project Task must also be selected.
GL Variable 1-4.
- Click Save.
- (Optional) Click Add Row to include an additional row(s).
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Import a Template File
Note: The steps in this section show how to import a Payable template file using the Advanced Line Manager. However, similar steps would be used to import a file on any screen that includes the Import and Export buttons on the Advanced Line Manager.
The Import button in the Advanced Line Manager is similar to and built on the Import Templates tool. The Import process in the Advanced Line Manager offers a quick and easy way to add additional lines into an existing record. The name of the record or the Salesforce ID number must be used to import the new lines directly into an existing Payable record.
The main steps for importing include performing a one-time creation and mapping process. Once a file has been imported and mapped to the related fields on the record, the file can be selected and reused, as needed, without having to re-map fields.
Only .CSV files can be imported using the Import button in the Advanced Line Manager.
Best Practice: If you have Excel 2019 or higher, to avoid issues with special characters, save your file import as a .CSV file. This will automatically save the file as a .CSV UTF-8 file. For more information, refer to the following Microsoft Community article.
Import files with up to 200 lines of data can be imported using the Import button in the Advanced Line Manager.
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Create Entries tab. Then, under the Expenses menu, click Payables.
- Select a list view (other than the Recently Viewed list view).
- Select the Payable for which you want to import new lines. Then, scroll to the Advanced Line Manager to view the Payable Lines section.
- Click Import. The Upload your File dialog box displays.
- Refer to the Upload File and Select/Create Template article to complete the Import process.
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Export Lines into a File
Note: The steps in this section show how to export a Payable template file using the Advanced Line Manager. However, similar steps would be used to export a file on any screen that includes the Import and Export buttons on the Advanced Line Manager.
The Export button, which is a part of the Advanced Line Manager data grid, provides the ability to export all of the lines into a .CSV file for reviewing the data. For example, you might have a large number of lines on a record, exporting the data would make it easier to review all lines in one file, at the same time. Additionally, since the exported file includes a Salesforce Record ID for each line, you can make changes to the exported file and then import the file to include the changes.
Important: Since the Import process handles low volume imports that are up to 200 lines, if you export more than 200 lines and want to re-import, you may need to split up the file so that only 200 lines are imported at a time.
The naming convention for the .CSV file that automatically downloads once Export is clicked includes the following:
<header_record_name>_Export_<Date-Time Stamp>.csv
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Create Entries tab. Then, under the Expenses menu, click Payables.
- Select a list view (other than the Recently Viewed list view).
- Select the Payable for which you want to export the lines. Then, scroll to the Payable Lines related list.
- Click Export.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
A .CSV file automatically downloads.
Note: When you export a file, it will automatically be saved in your Downloads folder. However, you can navigate to save the file in a preferred location.
- Open the .CSV file. Then, review or make changes to the data, as necessary. For more information, refer to the Update Lines on an Existing Record article.
Review Error Messages
On the Advanced Line Manager data grid, an error icon displays if there is an error. To see the related error message, hover of the error icon. If the error is from a validation rule, some browsers can take a few more seconds to process the error. Therefore, hover over the icon a few seconds longer.
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Winter '25 Release
- When the next sequential line number is changed using the Pencil icon, the order of the line numbers following the change will adjust after clicking Save.
- The Go to page textbox was added with this release.
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