A Payable might need to be placed on hold for various reasons. For example, you might want to clearly identify Vendor information, or you might follow an approval process in order to pay Payables that are higher than a specific dollar amount. Accounting Seed includes an On Hold checkbox, which can be selected at the time a Payable ism manually created. Or, this checkbox can be selected on a Payable that has already been created (manually or using AP Automation).
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Posting Status
- The Payable with the On Hold checkbox selected can be posted/unposted.
- The On Hold checkbox can be selected or deselected on a posted payable.
Payable Balance
In order to select this checkbox, the balance on the Payable must be greater than zero (0); the payable must be partially paid or unpaid. The On Hold checkbox cannot be selected if the balance is zero (0).
Paying Payables
An On hold Payable cannot be paid on the Pay or Pay Batch screens:
- On an On Hold Payable, if the Pay button is clicked from the Details tab on the Payable screen, an error message will display to indicate the Payable cannot be paid.
- If the On Hold checkbox is checked on all Payables that are selected for batch payment, when the Pay Batch button is clicked from the Payables screen, an error message will display to indicate the selected Payables cannot be paid.
- If the On Hold checkbox is checked on one or more Payables that are selected for batch payment, when the Pay Batch button is clicked, an error message will display to indicate that the Payable(s), which is on hold cannot be paid. However, the ones not on hold will be available at the bottom of the screen for payment.
On Hold Payables in the Apply screens
- On Cash Disbursements, in the Apply/Unapply screen, if an Applied Amount is added for an On Hold Payable, once you click Save & Complete or Save & Refresh, an error message will display to indicate that a Cash Disbursement cannot be applied to a Payable that is on hold.
- However, you can apply a Credit Memo (Apply/Unapply Credit Memo button on the Payable screen) to an on hold Payable.
On Hold Payables with Payment Proposals
Note: Payment Proposals is one of the features that is included with AP Automation.
When a search for Payables is performed on a Payment Proposal that has the On Hold checkbox selected as a part of the search, any Payables that are on hold (which meet the selected criteria) will be included in the Results listing that display at the bottom of the search. Once you select Payables from the Results listing and click Add, if any are on hold, they cannot be included on the Payment Proposal. An error message will display.
Note: While you can include on hold Payables in the search results and view them, only Payables that are not on hold can be added to a Payment Proposal.
On the Payment Proposal Lines data grid, if you click Add Row to manually add an On Hold Payable, once you click Save, an error message will display for the line to indicate that the Payable is on hold and cannot be added to the Payment Proposal.
Summer '24 Release
This article was new with the Summer 24 release.
Please consider allowing use of On-Hold box for payables with negative balance so that vendor credits and be put on-hold and not accidentally applied to an AP by someone in error. We sometimes have vendor credits that need to be applied to certain invoices that may not have yet been entered into the system. Also, we sometimes don't want credits applied to current open APs for various other reasons.
Thank you for sharing this feedback, JeaNae! I have recorded this request as a feature enhancement.
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