Accounting Seed’s multi-currency functionality provides the ability to perform accounting transactions in a currency outside of the main ledger currency.
Add Currencies
- Log into Salesforce and navigate to Setup.
- Navigate to Settings.
- Select Company Settings (Company Profile in Classic Interface) in the left menu, then click Manage Currencies.
- Click Manage Currencies.
- Click New to add each currency used by your business.
Note: The conversion rates will be set up next, even though the average conversion rate is a required field when setting up new currencies.
Note: There is a “corporate currency” checkbox that can be used in other areas of the Salesforce application, but Accounting Seed uses the currency that is associated with the ledger; that is where the corporate currency should be set.
Add Exchange Rates
- Once all of your currencies have been set up, go back to the main Manage Currencies page and click Manage Dated Exchange Rates.
- This is where you can manually enter all of the exchange rates for each currency that was set up. Simply click New Exchange Rates and enter the current rates here.
Note: These exchange rates will be active for the entire period until they are updated. If exchange rates are entered on October 25 and then updated again on November 5 and a billing is processed on October 31, then the associated exchange rate for the October 31 billing will be the rate that was entered on October 25 in the Manage Dated Exchange Rates list.
Note: If you do not want to manually update these rates, there are three apps on the Appexchange that will update the currencies automatically for you. These are Currency Updater, Global Currency Updater, and Currencies on Demand.
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