Create a New GL Accounting Variable




  • Rebecca Ralls

    Do you know of anyone who has made GLAV variables dependent on other GLAV?  For example: The GLAV 3 values that are valid/available to be assigned to a transaction depend on which GLAV 2 value the user has selected? Do you have suggestions on the best way to accomplish this? TIA!

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  • Tony

    Hi Rebecca,

    You can block certain combinations of GLAVs using validation rules, but we do not have dependent GLAVs like you would Dependent Picklists. 

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  • Jackie Southon

    Do you see any issues with us creating validation rules that make the use of GL Variables 1 to 3 mandatory for our Billings and Payables and Journal Entries? Are there any background transactions / rules we need to be aware of if we make GL Variables mandatory for our transactions?

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  • Bao Do

    Hi Jackie,


    I would recommend going to the Billing Line, Payable Line and JE Line page layouts and editing the fields to make them required rather than creating a validation rule.  If not designed correctly, a custom validation rule can interfere with the creation and saving of Billing and Payable Aging History records during the Accounting Period close process.

    Also goto the MassAddEditRows Field Set and make the GLAVs there required as well.




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