Financial Statement Row Types
Below is a list of the key fields for types of rows and the functions they serve:
- GL Account - The majority of the rows will be GL Account rows. This type of row will display data for the GL Account selected. GL Accounts can be added one at a time, in which case you can use the GL Account look up to select GL accounts. Alternatively, GL Accounts can be mass added.
- Reporting Group - Select a reporting group to display aggregated data for the GL accounts that make up the reporting group.
- Type:
- Description - Use the description row type to provide a place holder for a description for the rows that follow the description row. For example, if your report lists all the sales revenue accounts, then a description row could be placed above those accounts with the heading "Sales Revenue."
- GL Account - Shows a single GL account. If GL Account is selected as the Type, a GL Account must be entered in that field.
- Reporting group - Shows a consolidated group of GL accounts for which data is to be aggregated. If Reporting Group is selected as the Type there must be at least one GL Account in the group in order to add it to a row.
- Blank - Manually adding blank rows is not supported in the Report Viewer. The Report Viewer automatically has built-in capabilities to include spacing for separation of rows. However, selecting Blank as the Type can be used for formatting the PDF version of Custom Reports.
- Calculation Number - A formula field with a number as the result. The formula identifies the rows and the mathematical functions to be applied to the values in the rows. The formula can be as simple as adding or subtracting values in rows or it can involve more advanced calculations. If Calculation Number is selected as the Type, an entry is required in the Calculation field.
- Calculation Percentage - A formula field with a percentage as the result. If Calculation Percentage is selected as the Type, an entry is required in the Calculation field.
- Row Label - This is how the row will display on the report. For instance, if the row is a GL Account for cash, then it would make sense to create a row label "1000-Cash" (the GL Account name). If the row is a description (section heading for the GL Accounts that follow), enter the description of the section header.
- Position - This determines the order the rows will appear in. Use increments of 5 or 10 in case new GL Accounts are added and may need to be added to reports.
- GL Account Variables - If the row type is a General Ledger Account, then GL Variables can be selected. If selected, it will filter only transactions that have that variable.
- Calculation - If the field is a calculation number or percentage, then enter the calculation into this field.
- Normal Balance - Select either Debit or Credit from the drop-down list. The balance will display on the report as a debit by default for all Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Expense GL Account rows (if selected via Mass Add Rows). The balance will display on the report as a credit by default for all Profit & Loss Revenue GL Account rows (if selected via Mass Add Rows).
- Indent - Selecting a number in this drop-down list will indent the row title to the right. Additionally, in the Report Viewer it determines if the row is collapsible. Select 1-5 to indent to a varying degree. The Indent drop-down list is available when you click the New button to add an individual row. Otherwise, after using the Mass Add Rows button, you can edit the Indent value on an individual row(s). To edit an individual row(s), click the down arrow that displays to the far right of each row and select Edit.
Important: If you have Custom Reports that were created prior to the Lily release, you might want to run the reports, export to PDF and tweak the Indent value so the rows display correctly in the new Report Viewer and on the PDF file.
When using Mass Add Rows, if you use the default of “All” on the Report Type drop-down list, no indent (zero) will be included. Similarly, if Balance Sheet or Profit & Loss Report Type is selected without selecting the Sub Type checkbox(es), the GL Account rows will be created without any indents.
If Balance Sheet or Profit & Loss Report Type is selected with the Sub Type checkbox(es) selected, the GL Account rows will be created with indents, thus making the Type and Sub Type header rows collapsible in the Report Viewer. The PDF will show the rows indented under the header rows.
Collapsible report rows will have the lowest indent number (zero/blank) with additional numbered rows nested underneath. In the example screen below, the lowest indented rows (collapsible) are zero (displays as blank under the Indent column). The rows that will be nested under the collapsed rows have an indent number of 1 and 2, respectively.
Note: When using Mass Add Rows, if you do not Group By Sub Type, all rows on the report will default to the lowest Indent number (zero/blank). Therefore, on the report, no rows will be collapsible (all rows will display at the highest level). However, remember that you can edit rows to select a number from the Indent drop-down list. As part of editing a row(s), you can also group rows by adding a Description.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Using the indents from the above screen as examples, the Report Viewer will display the expanded version of the report like the sample screen below.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
The PDF version of that same report will display like the sample screen below.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
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In the sample screen below the numbers of 1 and 2 are used for indenting rows on the report. In the Report Viewer, rows with the number 1 will be collapsible with rows that have number 2 underneath.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Using the indents from the above screen as examples, the Report Viewer will display the expanded version of the report like the sample screen below. The Cash and Current Assets headers can be expanded/collapsed because they have an indent of 1 while the 1000-Cash GL Account row has an indent of 2.
The PDF version of that same report will display like the sample screen below.
In the sample screen below, all rows have the lowest indent number (zero/blank), this includes Description, GL Account, and Calculation rows. Therefore, all rows on the report will display at the uppermost level with no rows being collapsed.Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
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Using the indents (zero/blank) from the above screen as examples, the Report Viewer will display the expanded version of the report like the sample screen below. None of the rows will be collapsible.
The PDF version of that same report will display like the sample screen below.
In the sample screen below, all rows have the lowest indent number (zero/blank) because no sub types were selected in the Mass Add Rows screen for the Profit & Loss Report Type. Therefore, all GL Account rows (without Description and/or Calculation rows) on the report will display at the uppermost level with no rows being collapsed.Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Using the indents (zero/blank) from the above screen as examples, the Report Viewer will display the expanded version of the report like the sample screen below. None of the rows will be collapsible (and will display with only the GL Accounts selected in the Mass Add Rows screen).
The PDF version of that same report will display like the sample screen below. - Underline - Selecting Underline as a Type can be set to single or double for including on the PDF version of Custom Reports. Manually adding underline rows is not supported in the Report Viewer. The Report Viewer automatically has built-in capabilities to include a single underline after total rows and a double underline after the final total row at the bottom of reports.
Add Financial Statement Rows
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Run Reports tab. Then, under the Custom menu, click Financial Statement Definitions.
- Select a list view. Typically, you want to select a list view other than Recently Viewed.
- Select the Financial Statement Definition Name for which you want to define rows.
- Click the Definition Criteria tab.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen. -
From the Financial Statement Rows related list, click Mass Add Rows.
Note: The Mass Add Rows button allows you to select and add a subset of GL Accounts as rows in your Financial Report Definition rather than adding each GL Account one at a time.
Important: When using the Mass Add Rows button, all required additions, such as Sub Types and GL Accounts should be selected for each row before you click the Create Rows button. If changes are required after the rows have been created, all rows will need to be deleted and recreated.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
Note: In the Mass Add Rows screen the Beginning Row Number and Increment Row Number fields default to 10. In general, you can accept these values. The results section of the screen defaults to display all of your active GL Accounts. -
Select the checkboxes for the GL Accounts to display on the report. Otherwise, use the Filters section to select GL Accounts by Type or a combination of Type, Sub Type 1 and Sub Type 2.
Once you have selected all the GL Accounts for the report, click Create Rows.
The Report Definition now has the rows defined for all the GL Accounts that will be included on the report. To add the header, calculation, and blank rows, follow the steps below.
- From the Financial Statement Rows related list, click New.
- Select Description from the Type drop-down list.
- Enter a Row Label for the header row. For example, enter Revenue.
- Enter the Position of the row.
- Leave all other fields blank.
- Click Save & New.
- Follow steps 1-6 to add the section header rows for any other groups of GL Accounts in the report.
- Click Save & New.
Add the Calculated Rows
- Select Calculation Number from the Type drop-down list.
- Enter a Row Label. For example, enter Total Revenue.
- Enter the row Position.
- Enter the Calculation using the examples provided in the Sample Calculation Syntax article.
Note: Right click to open the link in a new tab. For example, to sum across 3 rows that are in positions 10, 20 and 30, enter {r10:r30}. - Leave all other fields blank.
- Click Save & New.
- Repeat steps 1-5 to add the other calculated rows to the report.
- Click Save.
Add the Blank Rows
Manually adding blank rows is not supported in the Report Viewer. The Report Viewer automatically has built-in capabilities to include spacing for separation of rows. However, selecting Blank as the Type can be used for formatting the PDF version of Custom Reports.
- Select Blank from the Type drop-down list.
- Leave the Row Label field blank.
- Enter the Position for the blank row.
- Leave all other fields blank.
- Click Save & New.
- Repeat the above steps to add other blank rows.
- Click Save.
How can I create reports using the General Ledger Subtypes?
Hi Jeanae,
When you create a new financial statement definition, you will be able to mass add rows. One of the options in this screen is to group by sub type 1 and by sub type 2. If you check these boxes, then a report will be created with the sub types.
Thank you,
Hi Ryan,
While the "Mass Add Rows" screen shows the subtype for each G/L account, it does not allow you to group or select subtypes. You can select "report type" equal to Bal Sheet or P&L, but that's the only selection.
You can only add rows for accounts when using "Mass Add" and when adding individual lines, the only options are "Account" or "Reporting Group", which have to be set-up separately and do not seem to cross-populate over to the individual GL accounts.
So I think the info above may not be correct? thanks!
Also, how do you have the reports suppress $0 lines? thanks!
Never mind on the suppress rows - obviously you'd just click that box when running the report. Thanks!
Hi Jeanae,
I see, it looks like you are trying to create a summary report that just shows sub type totals, is that correct? If so, you will want to click into the GL account groups tab and first create the groupings that you want to report on. Then, these can be added to a custom report by selecting the type of reporting group.
Thank you,
I can't see the images. I've tried several browsers. Any ideas?
Hi Sara,
Can you submit a ticket to our support desk at support.accountingseed.com? Also, can you provide more detail on your issue?
Thank you,
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