The following steps should be taken to cancel a sale when the product or service is non-inventory and the customer has partially or fully paid for the sale.
Cancel a Partially or Fully Paid Non-Inventory Sale
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Create Entries tab. Then, under the Revenues menu, click Billings.
- Select a list view (other than the Recently Viewed list view).
- Select the Billing to be canceled.
- Click the Applied To tab.
- Select the Cash Receipt to be refunded.
- Any balance on the Cash Receipt that was applied to the Billing must be unapplied. Unapply the Cash Receipt from the Billing.
- Refund the Cash Receipt. For more information refer to the Issue a Refund from a Cash Receipt.
- Return to the Billing that is being canceled.
- Clone the Billing as a Credit Memo. For more information refer to the Clone a Billing as a Credit Memo article.
Apply the Credit Memo to the Billing by clicking Apply/Unapply Credit Memo on the Billing record. The Credit Memo Apply screen displays.
Important: The remaining steps to actually apply a Credit Memo are only applicable if you are using Lightning UI.
Note: Click here to view the above image in full screen.
To modify/narrow the search criteria, perform any of the following, as necessary:
- In the Customer field, to select a different customer for applying the Credit Memo, click the X to remove the current customer. Then, search for a new customer.
- In the Billing Number field, enter a specific Billing number to search for.
- In the Posting Status field, click the drop-down list to select Posted, Approved, or All.
In order to enter any of the following filters, you must have selected a Customer, Billing Number, or Posting Status.
- Billing Date Range - Click the Calendar icon in the From/To fields to select a date.
- Due Date Range - Click the Calendar icon in the From/To fields to select a date.
- Billing Amount - Enter a beginning and ending amount.
- Click Search Billings to search for the selected criteria.
- Click a right arrow to move a selected amount into the Applied Amount field.
- (Optional) Make adjustments to Applied Amount or Applied Date, as necessary.
Do one of the following:
- Click Save & Refresh to save your changes and refresh the Billing Credit Memo Apply screen.
- Click Save & Complete to save your changes and return to the Billing record screen.
When the Credit Memo is applied and you return to the Billing screen, to view applied information, click the Applied To tab. Then, scroll down the page to view applied information, as necessary.
Tip: To associate the Credit Memo with an original Billing, place "Credit Memo for Billing number xxxxxxxxxx" in the Proprietary Billing Number field.
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