- Click the Billing hyperlink with the related Cash Receipt that needs to be reversed.
- Click New Billing Cash Receipt.
- Select the Cash Receipt that needs to be reversed.
- Enter the amount to reverse in the Applied Amount field as a negative number.
- Select the correct Accounting Period. This period must be open.
Apply a Reversed Cash Receipt to a New Billing
These are the steps to apply the original Cash Receipt to a new Billing.
- Click into the original Cash Receipt. After applying the steps above, there should be a balance other than $0.
- Click on New Billing Cash Receipt and click on the lookup icon to select the new Billing that this Cash Receipt will be applied to.
- Enter the Accounting Period and Amount and click Save.
- The Cash Receipt balance will update to the amount applied and the Billing balance will update as well.
Note: The purpose of applying the original Cash Receipt to a new Billing in this manner is because there is a rule that does not allow a negative amount in the cash application screen. When the Apply button is clicked, the amount that was reversed off during the first process will show up as a negative amount.
Is it possible to apply the original cash receipt to a different billing once the cash application has been reversed rather that creating a new cash receipt to apply?
Hi Jason,
Yes you can apply it to other billings.
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