Standard page layouts control the display of fields, buttons and related lists and are NOT upgradeable in Salesforce. Manually editing page layouts is recommended for existing Salesforce customers and when you have defined a customized Salesforce layout that you do not wish to override with Accounting Seed’s predefined page layout. If you are a new Salesforce customer, we recommend editing page layouts via User Profiles.
Note: Lightning record page layouts should not be confused with Standard page layouts, which are more “SF Classic” oriented (but will display in the Lightning Experience).
Tip: It is a recommended best practice that all users update their organization’s Standard page layouts’ fields, buttons and related lists with each release to take advantage of Accounting Seed’s full functionality.
Do you want to:
- Edit Page Layouts Manually - Lightning Interface
- Edit Page Layouts Manually - Classic Interface
- View Standard Objects: (Account, Opportunity, Product, Work Order, and Assets)
Edit Page Layouts Manually
Lightning Interface
- Log into Salesforce and click the Setup button.
- On the left menu, click Objects and Fields and select Object Manager.
- Click one of the following: Account, Opportunity, Product, Work Order or Asset.
- Click Page Layouts in the left menu.
- Click the respective Page Layout.
- On the Layout page, in the Fields panel, drag and drop the Section option onto the page layout.
- On the Section Properties panel, name the section Accounting Information. Then, click OK.
- Click the Fields panel again. Then, drag and drop the respective Fields into the Page Layout.
- In the Fields panel, click Buttons. Then, drag and drop the respective buttons into the related section.
- Click Save.
Classic Interface
- Log into Salesforce and click Setup in the top right-hand corner of the page.
- In the left menu, under App Setup, click Customize.
- Under Account, Opportunity, Product, Work Order or Asset, select Page Layouts.
Note: The Work Order's Accounting Seed functionality is only available in Lightning Experience, under Customize>Field Service>Work Order. - Click Edit beside a page layout.
- On the Layout page, in the Fields panel, drag a Section down onto the page layout.
- On the Section Properties panel, name the section Accounting Information.
- Click the Fields panel again and drag the respective Fields below into the Page Layout.
- In the Fields panel, click Buttons and drag the respective buttons down into the related section.
- Click Save.
Standard Objects: (Account, Opportunity, Product, Work Order, and Assets)
The following items are part of the Accounting Seed application(s) and are automatically included in the package installation. They simply need to be added to the page layout(s).
Account Object
Add the following Buttons to the Account page list view:
- Create Outstanding Statements
- Update Statement Status
Add the following Fields to the Account page layout:
- We recommend using the existing section called Account Detail and adding the following Fields there:
- Statement Needed
- Last Statement Sent
- We recommend creating a new section called Accounting Information and adding the following Fields there:
- Accounting Active (Required Field)
- Accounting Type (Required Field)
- GL Variable 1
- GL Variable 2
- GL Variable 3
- GL Variable 4
- We recommend creating a new section called Billing Information and adding the following group of Fields there:
- Billing Terms Name
- Billing Days Due
- Billing Discount Days Due
- Billing Discount %
- Billing Format (Required Field)
- Outstanding Statement Format
- Activity Statement Format
- Stripe Customer ID
- We recommend creating a new section called Payable Information and adding the following group of Fields there:
- Payable Days Due (Required Field)
- Payable Discount Days Due
- Payable Discount %
- File Import Match Name
- Default Expense GL Account
- 1099 Vendor
- Default 1099 Box
- Taxpayer Identification Number
- Add the following Buttons to the Account page layout:
- Create Statement
- Create Payment
- Manage Payment Methods
- We recommend adding the following Related Lists to the Account page layout:
- Assets (If using Orders & Inventory)
- Contacts
- Contact Roles
- Billings
- Cash Receipts
- Payables
- Cash Disbursements
- Projects
- Payment Methods
- Purchase Orders (If using Orders & Inventory)
- Taxes
- Recurring Billings
- Recurring Payables
- Sales Orders (If using Orders & Inventory)
- Files
Opportunity Object
Add the following Button to the Opportunities page list view:
Create Billings
Add the following Buttons to the Opportunities page layout:
- Create Billing
- Create Recurring Billing
- Create Project
Add the following Related Lists to the Opportunities page layout:
- Billings
- Recurring Billings
- Projects
- Files
If are using the Orders & Inventory Module, add the following Button to the Opportunities page layout:
- Create Sales Order
Product Object
Add the following Fields to the Product object page layout:
We recommend creating a section called Accounting Information and adding the following Fields there:
- Revenue GL Account (Required Field)
- Expense GL Account
- Inventory GL Account
- GL Variable 1
- GL Variable 2
- GL Variable 3
- GL Variable 4
- Tax Type
- Tax Rate
We recommend creating a section called Product Costing Information and adding the following Fields there:
- Inventory Product
- Inventory Type
- Product Description
- Unit Cost
We recommend adding the following Related Lists to the Product page layout:
- Product Parts
- Parent Product
- Inventory Balance
- Files
If you are using the optional Orders & Inventory Module, add the following Fields to the Product page layout:
We recommend using the previously created section called Accounting Information and adding the following Fields there:
- Manufacturing Order Template
- Lead Time
- Serialized
- Default Vendor
- Sales Order Exclude
We recommend using the previously created section called Product Costing Information and adding the following Fields there:
- Inventory Asset
We recommend creating a section called Quantity Information and adding the following Fields there:
- Minimum Order Quantity
- Product Description
- Safety Stock Quantity
Add the following Related Lists to the Product page layout:
- Inventory Balance
Work Order Object
Add the following Buttons to the Work Order page layout (these buttons are found under the Mobile & Lightning Actions section and are available in Lightning Experience Only):
- New Billing
- New Sales Order (If using Orders and Inventory)
- New Opportunity (select the “New Opportunity” button for AcctSeedFSL__NewOpportunity. You can identify this by hovering over the button).
Add the following Fields to the Work Order page layout under the Information Section:
- Discount
- Price Book
- Start Date
- End Date
- Total Price.
Add the following Related Lists to the Work Order page layout:
- Billings
- Sales Order (If using Orders and Inventory)
Asset Object
If you are using the Orders & Inventory Module, add the following Fields to the Asset page layout:
- Sales Order Inventory Movement
- Serial Number (Make certain you select the Accounting Seed field, not the Salesforce field.)
- To learn how to navigate Salesforce CRM, visit the Trailhead learning resource in the Help section of your Salesforce account. A useful module to review for this might be Customize Record Details with page layouts.
- Accounting Seed training modules and support materials are based upon the latest versions of Salesforce. For this reason, we recommend updating your page layouts before beginning to use Accounting Seed.
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