Import Templates using the Data Loader App and Data Import Wizard




  • Rebecca Ralls

    Hi there,  I was wondering if you have updated templates for Customers & Vendors (and any other objects that might require it?) reflecting the new default GLAV fields.  Also - I don't see a template for contacts - is that just because there aren't any AS specific fields on the contact record? I had thought it might be a separate tab on the Customer & Vendor template, but there isn't one there. Thanks!

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  • Tony

    Thanks Rebecca. We will update the account import template for the new variables. We don't have a contact import as there is nothing really significant for AS on this object. We are also trying to discourage the use of a contact as a payee and setup all payees as accounts.

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  • Rebecca Ralls

    Another question: Is there a specific reason why the "Use 1904 date system" is marked true on the Journal Entry template? 

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  • Tony

    Hi Rebecca,

    I am not seeing this. Is this a setting in excel you are looking at?  

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  • Rebecca Ralls

    Yes. When I download a new copy of the  template, and you go to File -> Options -> Advanced and scroll down to "When Calculating this workbook:" there is an option called "Use 1904 date system". and it is checked.   

    When it is checked, you'll notice that if  you copy a date from a 'regular' spreadsheet  into a spreadsheet with the 1904 system active that the displayed date is 4 years and a day different than the original date.

    If  you copy and paste dates into the template and then upload them, Salesforce gets the date right,  but if you type the dates directly into the template the underlying serial number is different and you get the wrong dates when you do the upload.

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  • Rebecca Ralls

    Idea/Feature Request:

    It would be helpful to explicitly remind users (or even provide them with templates) to maintain mapping documents from old values in their legacy system to new values in the SF/AS system  for Chart of Accounts, Accounts/Contacts & Products.

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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Rebecca,

    With our adoption support package, if clients are modifying their chart of accounts, then we do instruct them to map old accounts to new ones so that the opening trial balance is easy to export and import into Accounting Seed. Most clients will do this directly in the chart of accounts import template so that everything is in one file and not two separate files. 

    Thank you,


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  • Rebecca Ralls

    No Recurring Payable template?

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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Rebecca,

    We are updating these and plan to have them all up by the end of July. For now, you may want to use the recurring billing template and modify it for the payable fields. 

    Thank you,


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  • Rebecca Ralls

    Is there a template for billig Rates/Cost Rates?

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  • Bao Do

    Hi Rebecca,

    No there is not, however, you can easily create one on for any object utilizing the field names displayed on the object.


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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Rebecca,

    That's a great suggestion, I will create one and put it in the Master Data section. 

    Thank you,


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