Accounting Seed Source records all have a Posting Status field that has a default value set by our managed package. In some business cases it may make sense to change the default value from “In Process” to “Approved” especially if there is no need for a formal approval process for that type of Source record.
Set up Picklist Field Default Values
- Click Setup to navigate to the Force.com Home page.
- In the left navigation section named Build, expand the Create menu.
- Click Objects.
- Locate and click the Object name of the Source record you are changing (e.g. Journal Entry).
- Locate and click the Posting Status field label.
- Edit the Approved Picklist value to make it the default for the picklist.
- Click Save.
More Information
The following is a list of Source records and their corresponding default Posting Status values:
- Accounts Payable --- In Process
- Billing --- In Process
- Journal Entry --- In Process
- Cash Disbursement --- In Process
- Cash Receipt --- Posted (posts on creation)
- Scheduled Revenue & Expense --- Posted (posts on creation)
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