Accounting Seed allows you to create your own custom PDF formats to override the standard PDF formats. The look and layout of a PDF can be completely customized if you or a Salesforce developer have experience with Visualforce code. Accounting Seed has also prepared a step-by-step guide to Customize Your PDF Visualforce Page for certain simple and common customizations.
Create a Custom PDF Format
Use your saved Visualforce page in any of your PDF Format records
- Click the Gear icon and select Developer Console.
- Select File | New | Visualforce Page.
- Enter a name for your new Visualforce page and click OK.
- Paste the contents of the Visualforce Page sample template.
- Click File | Save.
Set up your own PDF Format
- Navigate to the PDF Formats tab.
- Click New and populate the following fields:
- PDF Format Name: The name of the PDF format to be used on the Billing record
- Type:
- Billing
- Purchase Order
- Activity Statement
- Outstanding Statement
- Packing Slip
- Visualforce PDF Page: API Name of the Visualforce Page that renders the PDF.
- Sort Field: API Name of the field used to sort the lines.
- Default Email Template: API Name of the email template used to send out the PDF.
- Reply to Email: Sets the sending address for a reply to the email.
- Currency Format: Can be used to override the default currency format. Examples of format are:
- Non-parenthetical negatives = $#,###,###.00
- Parenthetical negatives = $###,###,##0.00;($###,###,##0.00)
- Numeric Format: Can be used to override the default numeric format. Examples of format are:
- Non-parenthetical negatives = #,###,###.00
- Parenthetical negatives = ###,###,##0.00;(###,###,##0.00)
- Company Information: Company fields will auto-populate from the Company information set in your Salesforce instance if these aren't populated.
- Image: The logo you want to appear on the PDF header
Note: Images cannot exceed one MB file size and must be .png or .gif file format. - Footer: Any text or image you want to appear in the PDF footer
Sample Visualforce Pages
We have included text files containing Visualforce Markup for examples of our PDFs.
Click a filename to download the template.
The modern templates from the Echinacea release display below with the word “modern” as part of the filename.
Miscellaneous Templates
It would be really handy if you would provide "blank" PDF format templates for all the various PDF Format Types: Billings, Purchase Orders, and the 2 different types of Statements. Thanks!
Is there a relatively straight forward way to Make the Outstanding Statement Include any unapplied Cash Receipts? I see that is uses the same controller as the activity statement, so I'm hoping yes.
Note to other users: Make sure to use these templates instead of copying the templates in production. You'll save yourself some aggravation. The 'AcctSeed__' field prefixes are different, and if you copy the production VF pages, you'll have to do some tedious find and replace work in order to be able to save it.
Currently, the billing pdf combines discounts and amounts paid by the customer and shows the combined amount as the amount paid. This is really confusing for the customer because it looks like they paid more than they did and it doesn't show the discount. I would like to see any discount given, the amount paid by the customer, total paid, and the amount due on the invoice. I understand how to edit the visualforce page but I don't see anything in the example language above that is helpful.
Hi Angela,
Please submit a support ticket so we can help troubleshoot this. We support any issues with our default visualforce pages, but we would recommend approved partners to help with any customization.
We would like to change the format of the quantity and unit price to display as two decimals of the pdf's instead of the default of the field. Can this be done?
Hi Anna,
If you click into the PDF Formats tab and select the format that you want to update, there will be a "currency format" field. You will want to enter in something similar to the following:
This will update all currency fields on the pdf to 2 decimal places. If you don't see the currency format field on the layout, you will want to edit it and add that field.
The coding in the related visualforce page will need to be updated for the quantity.
Thank you,
Hi, how to do we add custom fields to the controller when creating custom PDFs?
Hi Masechaba,
Out controller extension will dynamically query for any custom fields you add to the billing or billing line. You simply need to add them to the visualforce page.
Will the controller extension also dynamically query for custom fields on the PDF Format record?
Hi Sophie,
The controller extension will dynamically query for custom fields on the Billing or Billing Line. Not sure on the Billing format object. You will need to log a case with support to get an answer for this.
The links to the sample Visualforce Pages are broken - I cannot download a template.
Hi Rebecca,
We are in the process of updating this article, do you want me to send you the coding for a specific format?
Thank you,
I am looking to create a custom pdf and the visual force pages are broken for me as well.
Hi Michael,
Are you able to download the attachments at the bottom that start with the word "old"?
Thank you,
Do you have an ETA on the new templates?
Hi Rebecca,
The new PDF format source code has been uploaded.
Thank you,
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