A Billing is a customer invoice. Also known as an Account Receivable, a Billing can be created from the account related list or the Billings tab. A Billing can also be created from the Opportunity, Recurring Billing, Sales Order, Time Cards, and Expense Reports objects. The Billing Clone w/Lines feature provides an efficient way to duplicate a previously entered Billing.
Note: For information about Header Level Posting (HLP), refer to the Billing Header Level Posting article.
Create a Billing
- Navigate to Accounting Home and click the Create Entries tab. Then, under the Revenues menu, click Billings.
- On the Billings screen, click New.
On the New Billing dialog box, enter the customer information. Required fields display with a red asterisk (*).
- Posting Status - the default status is Approved. Click the drop-down list to change the default Posting Status.
- Customer - click the Lookup icon to search for the Customer.
Note: Once an Account is set to inactive (Accounting Type field is set to “None” and the Accounting Active checkbox is de-selected on the Account screen), it will no longer be available from the Lookup search. - Billing Date - this defaults to today’s date. If you need to change the date, click the Calendar icon and select a date.
If left blank, the following fields will populate with system defaults:
- Billing Format will default from Account, and if no value then from Multi Ledger Defaults
- Billing Terms Name will default from Account
- Due Date will default from Account
- Customer Address will default from Account.
Complete additional optional fields, as necessary:
- Proprietary Billing Number - used to include a Billing number that is outside of the standard Salesforce auto-generated Billing number.
- Recurring Billing - search for and select the associated Recurring Billing number for this record, if applicable.
- Discount % - the percentage of discount that is rewarded to a customer off the subtotal (pre-tax) or total of the invoice for payment within the discount days due.
Note: If the Enable Pre-Tax Discount Calculation checkbox is selected on the Ledger screen, the discount will be based upon the subtotal amount (pre-tax). If this checkbox is not selected, it will be based upon the total amount of the Billing.
Note: If the Enable Pre-Tax Discount Calculation field does not already display on the Ledger screen, you can add it. For more information, refer to the Add Enable Pre-Tax Discount Calculation to the Ledger section of the Winter ’24 Configuration Changes article. - Currency - click the drop-down list to select a valid currency for this new record.
Note: Once the record is saved, the Currency field cannot be changed. If you want to change the Currency field, create a clone or create a new Billing record. - Currency Conversion Rate - this is the Currency Conversion Rate for the selected Currency.
- Credit Memo Applied Amount - indicates the amount applied from a single or multiple Credit Memos, if applicable.
Ledger - identifies the associated Ledger.
If using multi-currency, once the record is saved, the Ledger field can be changed to select a Ledger with any currency. However, if the currency of the new Ledger is different than the currency on the Billing record, the Currency field on the Billing will not be changed. For example, the existing Ledger on the Billing record is a USD Ledger, and the currency on the Billing is USD. Then, if the Ledger was changed to a CAD Ledger, the currency on the Billing will remain as USD. If you want to change to a Ledger with a different currency and also change the Currency field after a Billing record is saved and has a Billing Line(s), create a clone or create a new Billing.
Note: If you are using AvaTax as your Tax Settings method, when changing to a different Ledger on a Billing record, the new Ledger can only be a different USD or CAD Ledger.
- Opportunity - search for and selected the related Opportunity for this record, if applicable.
- PO Number - the Purchase Order number, if applicable.
- Billing Comment - a comment that will be included on the PDF invoice generated for the customer.
- PDF Email Status - indicates if the Billing record has been emailed or not emailed to the Billing Contact. Select Sent or Unsent from the drop-down list. The default is Unsent.
- Payment Site URL – when using Cardknox as your Payment Processor, this payment URL will automatically populate on the Billing when the Billing Line(s) is saved, based upon the selected Payment Processor.
- Payment Link – when using Stripe as your Payment Processor, this link will automatically populate on the Billing when the Billing Line(s) is saved, based upon the selected Payment Processor.
- Payment Processor – when using Cardknox and/or Stripe as your Payment Processor, this will be used to process the payment if the Billing is paid using the emailed URL/link. If the Account record that is associated with the Billing has a Default Payment Processor, it will display in this field. If the Default Payment Processor on the Account is blank, the Default Payment Processor from the Ledger on the Billing will display in this field. If the Default Payment Processor on the Ledger is blank, the Global Default Payment Processor that was selected in the Payment Processor screen will display in this field.
- Complete any remaining optional fields from the Date Information and Address Information sections of the screen, as necessary.
Note: During the Address Validation, the system will check to make sure the Billing Country and Shipping Country fields are not blank and displays as US or CA. Currently in Accounting Seed, the United States and Canada are the only valid supported countries for tax calculation with Avalara AvaTax. If you are not in the US or Canada, Accounting Seed Native Tax can be used for tax calculation. - Click Save. The new Billing record displays.
Enter Billing Lines by clicking Mass Add/Edit Rows. Otherwise, click New.
Note: When a new line is added (using the New button or Mass Add/Edit Rows), the Date field for the line will automatically populate with the Billing Date from the Billing header record. The Date field can be modified to select a different date, if necessary.
Enter the Quantity and Unit Price.
Note: If left blank, the Revenue GL Account from Default GL Accounts will default upon clicking Save. The GL Account can be populated as the Revenue GL Account on the Billing Line, if necessary. Populating the Expense GL Account and Inventory GL Account fields with the Vouchers Payable GL Account is restricted.
- Complete any additional fields such as Product, Project, Project Task, and/or GL Variables.
Note: If calculating tax using AS Native Tax HLP, then populate the Tax Group field on the Billing Line. For information about Tax Groups refer to the Set up Accounting Seed (AS) Native Tax article. Additionally, if you select a Tax Group that has the Tax Inclusive checkbox selected, this same checkbox will automatically be selected on the Billing Line and the Combined Tax Rate will be used as part of the formula for calculating the Tax Amount. For more information about the formula used with Tax Inclusion, refer to the Calculate Tax on a Billing with AS Native Tax article. -
From the Mass Add/Edit Rows page, click one of the following:
- Save & Refresh - Save your changes and refresh the screen to display the Mass Add/Edit Rows with your changes.
- Save & Complete - Save your changes and return to the Billing screen.
- Save & Post - Save your changes and post transactions to the General Ledger.
- Save & New - Save your changes and display the New Billing dialog box to create a new Billing.
With Header Level Posting (HLP) enabled, if tax was calculated, the Tax Amount displays as a part of the Billing Line.
With Line Level Posting (LLP) enabled, if tax was calculated, a separate Billing Line is added for the Tax Amount.
Note: If you clicked Mass Add/Edit Rows and then clicked Save & Post, an asynchronous posting process is started. This is a form of timing protocol for the system to begin an operation once another one has completed. When all posting requirements are met, the record is posted. If there are errors during the posting process, the posting silently fails and an Activity record is created with details about the failure. This can be accessed from the Today’s Tasks widget on the Homepage or from the All Activities tab on the record.
Best Practice: It is recommended to have the daily Scheduled Post job created, which provides the ability for all Billings that have a posting status of “Approved” to automatically post based upon the Next Run Date and Preferred Start Time. The Scheduled Post job should be the last automated job that is scheduled.
Clone a Billing
- Use the Proprietary Billing Number field if you are integrating to an external billing system or if you want your own custom invoice number. This can be used for legacy billings for loading history as well.
- Billing Line limits are documented in the Post/Unpost Limits article. However, if you have the Large Data Optimizer (LDO) feature enabled, Billing Line limits for posting/unposting records are not applicable. If you do not have this parameter enabled, and would like more information, refer to the Large Data Optimizer article.
- Salesforce will prevent you from deleting a Billing with more than 200 billing lines. If you have over 200 billing lines and wish to delete the Billing you will need to delete the number of lines in excess of 200 individually. Once there are fewer than 200 lines you will be able to delete the Billing. If you have the Large Data Optimizer (LDO) feature enabled, you can delete a newly created Billing that has not been posted with up to 24,000 lines. However, due to Salesforce delete limitations, this may vary. For more information, refer to this Salesforce article.
Winter '25 Release
Avalara's AvaTax is available to calculate sales tax in Canada.
Summer '24 Release
- If the Account record that is associated with the Billing has a Default Payment Processor, it will display in this field. If the Default Payment Processor on the Account is blank, the Default Payment Processor from the Ledger on the Billing will display in this field. If the Default Payment Processor on the Ledger is blank, the Global Default Payment Processor that was selected in the Payment Processor screen will display in this field.
- If you have the Large Data Optimizer feature enabled, a message displays to indicate that cloning will be performed as a background process.
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