Check Inventory Quantity Available




  • Rebecca Ralls

    Is there any way, currently, to see what serial numbers are attached to the available on-hand quantity?

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  • Rebecca Ralls

    Do you know whether you have any customers who have come up with a creative solution for this?

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  • Tony

    yes. Some have created a lookup on the asset object to all of the inventory movements and have associated multiple inventory movements with the asset record. They can then status the asset record as available, deployed, etc. Often triggers are used to automatically maintain the relationships and status of the asset. 

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  • Rebecca Ralls

    Following up on this LONG after the fact - if someone is using the above process, what are the additional setup items required?  Create the asset when the product is received instead of allocated (so inventory asset flag would need to be false?), and create the trigger(s) that would associate the asset with any movement that had a matching serial number?  Does the serial number search function mitigate the need for this somewhat?

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  • Tony

    Hi Reebecca, 

    Unfortunately we do not support this. 

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