This release includes several optional configuration changes that can be performed by existing and/or new Accounting Seed users, such as add a custom GL Account and add the Payable Days Due field to the page layout on the Contact object.
Configuration Changes
- Custom Permission Set Changes for Payment Processing
- Add the Soft Close Fields to Accounting Period
- Add a Custom Default GL Account
- Stripe - Add the Payment Processor Field to a Billing and/or Cash Receipt
- Stripe - Update the Payment Type Picklist Values
- Remove Stripe Customer ID from Account Page
- Add Payable Days Due to Contact
- Add Payable Days Due to an Employee (User)
- Add the Paid Date field to the Billing Page Layout
- Add AvaTax Override Fields for Billing Lines
- Add a Tax Rounding Threshold
- Remove Deprecated Elements
- Remove "Credit" from Journal Entry Line help text
- Enable Inventory Period History and Remove the Create Inventory History button
Custom Permission Set Changes for Payment Processing
If you use custom permission sets, in order to receive and create payments a user will need access to the following (including what they already have access to):
- Apex Classes
- BillingPaymentReceiveHelper
- SObjects
- Payment_Processor__c
- Payment_Processor_customer__c
- SObject Fields
- Payment_Method__c
- Payment_Processor__c
- Payment_Activity__c
- Fee__c
- Fee_Number__c
- Merchant_Batch_Id__c
- Merchant_Reference__c
- Cash_Receipt__c
- Payment_Processor__c
- Payment_Method__c
Add the Soft Close Fields to Accounting Period
For existing and new Accounting Seed users who want to utilize the Soft Close feature, the following steps need to be performed to add the new fields to the Accounting Period object.
- Display an Accounting Period in the Accounting Period screen.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- From the left navigation panel, click Page Layouts. Then, select the Accounting Period layout.
- From the Fields option, select Close AR. Then, drag and drop this field onto the page layout in the Information section, directly under the Status field.
- Repeat step 4 to drag and drop the Close AP and Close Inventory fields onto the page layout directly under the Close AR field.
Note: The Close Inventory field is only applicable if you have the Orders & Inventory package installed. - Click Save.
Add a Custom Default GL Account
Existing and/or new Accounting Seed users can create custom Default GL Accounts that can be populated on the Default GL Accounts screen. Follow the steps below to create a custom Default GL Account(s).
- Click the Gear icon and select Setup.
- Enter Custom in the search textbox.
- Select Custom Metadata Types.
- Click the GL Account Specification hyperlink.
- Click Manage GL Account Specifications.
- Click New.
- Enter a Label name for the new custom GL Account.
- Click the Type drop-down list to select the section of the Default GL Accounts screen where you want this new custom GL Account to display. For example, if you want it to display in the Accounts Receivable section of the Default GL Accounts, select Accounts Receivable from the Type drop-down list.
- Click Save.
- To add a GL Account to the new custom GL Account, display the Default GL Accounts screen. The new custom GL Account will be available on this screen. Click the Pencil icon to edit the Default GL Accounts screen. Then, search for and select a GL Account to add to the new custom GL Account.
Stripe - Add the Payment Processor Field to a Billing and/or Cash Receipt
Existing Accounting Seed users with Stripe who want the Payment Processor field to display on Billings and Cash Receipts should follow the steps below to add the field to the Billing and Cash Receipt page layout, respectively.
- Display a Billing.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- Select the Billing page layout.
- From the Fields option, select Payment Processor. Then, drag and drop this field onto the page layout in the Payment Link section.
- Click Save.
Note: The Payment Processor that will display in this field on the Billing will be used to process the payment if the selected Billing is paid for using the Payment Link. When you create a new Billing, this field will default to the Global Default Payment Processor that is selected in the Payment Settings screen. - To add the Payment Processor to the Cash Receipt object, repeat the steps above with a Cash Receipt displayed. Drag and drop the Payment Processor field into the Description and Reference Information section on the Cash Receipt Object.
Note: When using Stripe as your Payment Processor, this field is conditionally rendered. This means the Payment Processor field will only display on a Cash Receipt if you receive a payment using Create Payment, Receive Payment, or through the Payment Link that is on the Billing. This field will not display when a Cash Receipt is manually created.
Stripe - Update the Payment Type Picklist Values
Existing Accounting Seed users with Stripe will need to update the Payment Type picklist values on the Cash Receipt object.
- Display a Cash Receipt.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- Click Fields & Relationships.
- Scroll down to the Payment Type field and click it.
- Scroll to the Values section and click New.
- Add the word Other as a new value. Then, click Save.
- From the Values section, click Edit on the Electronic value.
- Change the Label name to Payment Method.
Important: Do not change the API Name. - Click Save.
Remove Stripe Customer ID from Account Page
With the Summer ’23 release, the new Payment Processor Customer object provides the ability to include the Stripe Customer ID if you need to add a Payment Method using the ID. Therefore, the Stripe Customer ID on the Account page is no longer necessary. Use the steps below to remove this field from the Account page layout.
- Display a Customer Account.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- On the Account page layout, under the Stripe Information section, drag the Stripe Customer ID from the page and drop it in the Fields section at the top of the screen.
- Click Save.
Add Payable Days Due to Contact
Existing Accounting Seed users who create Payables for Contacts can include the Payable Days Due field on the Contacts page layout.
- Display a Contact.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- From the Fields option, select Payable Days Due. Then, drag and drop this field onto the page layout directly under the Asst. Phone field.
- Click Save.
Add Payable Days Due to an Employee (User)
Existing Accounting Seed users who create Payables for Employees (Users) can include the Payable Days Due field on the User page layout.
- Display a User.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- Display the Page Layout and click User (Accounting Layout).
- Drag and drop Payable Days Due field onto the page layout in the Accounting Information section, under Default Billing Rate.
- Click Save.
- From User Page Layouts, click Page Layout Assignment.
- Click Edit Assignment.
- Select the appropriate Profile name(s) for using the Accounting Layout on the User object. Note: The selected Profile name(s) must be assigned to the User (Accounting Layout) in order to edit/view this field based upon permission set assignment for the user.
- At the top of the page, from the Page Layout To Use drop-down list, select User (Accounting Layout).
- Click Save.
Add the Paid Date Field to the Billing Page Layout
When a Billing is fully Paid, the Paid Date will display the same as the Applied Date. For existing Accounting Seed users, if you want to see the Paid Date field on Billings, use the steps below to add the Paid Date onto the Billing page layout.
- Display a Billing.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- Click Page Layouts and select the Billing page layout.
- From Fields, drag and drop Paid Date onto the page below the Balance field.
- Click Save.
Add AvaTax Override Fields for Billing Lines
Existing users who want to override origin and/or destination address information on Billing Lines will need to add the fields below to the Billing Line page layout.
- Display a Billing Line.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- Click Page Layouts and select the Billing Line page layout.
- From Fields, drag and drop Line Destination Address Override onto the page layout in the Accounting section, below the GL Variable 4.
- Repeat step 4 to drag and drop the Line Origin Address Override onto the page layout in the Accounting section, below the Time Card Variable 2.
- Click Save.
Add a Tax Rounding Threshold
Existing Accounting Seed users who use AS Native Tax with Header Level posting, and want to include a Tax Rounding Threshold will need to add a section and field on the Tax Settings page layout using the steps below.
- Click the Setup icon and select Object Manager.
- From the Quick Find textbox, enter Tax Settings. Then, select the Tax Settings object.
- Click Page Layouts and select the Tax Settings layout.
- Drag and drop the Section field after the Tax Setting Detail section.
- Enter Account Seed Native Tax in the New Section textbox.
- Click OK. The new section displays on the page layout.
- Drag and drop the Tax Rounding Threshold field into the new section.
- Click Save. The new section will be available on the Tax Settings screen.
Remove Deprecated Elements
Existing Accounting Seed users who want to remove the deprecated elements mentioned in the Summer ’23 release notes should follow the steps below.
Note: Any Accounting Seed element that has been deprecated from our source code, which can be deleted will include a red X over the icon, as in the sample screen below.
Remove the AccountingHome Visualforce Page
- Click the Gear icon and select Setup.
- Search for Visualforce Pages and select it.
- Click the Label column heading to sort in ascending order.
- From the AccountingHome.page, click Del. Then, click OK to delete the page.
- From the Reference Label column, click the Accounting Home hyperlink.
- From the Tabs screen, click Delete.
- Click OK.
- Refresh the page. From this point, when you search for Accounting Home from the App Launcher only one selection will display.
Remove a Visualforce Page
- Click the Gear icon and select Setup.
- Search for Visualforce Pages and select it.
- Click the Label column heading to sort in ascending order.
- Select the first page below and click Del. Then, click OK to delete the page.
- Repeat these steps to delete the remaining pages.
For existing Accounting Seed users, the pages below can be removed:
- AccountingSettingsAddressValidator,page
- BankReconciliationNew.page
- BankReconciliationPDFReport.page
- BankReconciliationUnclearedPDF.page
- BillingFromOpportunityConfirmation.page
- OpportunitySalesAvaTax.page
- Printchecks.page
- ProjectFromOpportunityConfirmation.page
- RecurringBillingFromOppConfirmation.page
Remove a Button
- Click the Gear icon and select Setup.
- Click the Object Manager tab.
- In the Quick Find search textbox, search for the Billing object and then, select it.
- Click Buttons, Links, and Actions.
- Click the Apply Credit Memo button.
- Click Delete. Then, click OK.
- Repeat the steps above to select the Cash Receipt object.
- Then from Buttons, Links, and Actions, click the Apply button.
- Click Delete. Then, click OK.
Remove “Credit” from Journal Entry Line help text
Existing Accounting Seed users who want to remove the word “Credit” from displaying as part of the help text on a Journal Entry Line for the GL Account will need to perform the steps below.
- Display a Journal Entry Line.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- Click Fields & Relationships.
- Scroll down and select GL Account.
- Click Edit.
- In the Help Text textbox, remove the word “credit.”
- Click Save.
Enable Inventory Period History and Remove the Create Inventory History button
Existing users who plan to “Enable Inventory Period History” in the Enablements screen can do so by accessing the Enablements screen from Accounting Home. Then, in the Enablements screen, click the Enable Inventory Period History button to turn "On" this setting. Additionally, to remove the “Create Inventory History” button from the Inventory Quantity Available list view, follow the steps below.
- Display the Inventory Quantity Available list view.
- Click the Gear icon and select Edit Object.
- Select List View Button Layout.
- Click the down arrow on the far right, and select Edit.
- From Selected Buttons, select Create Inventory History so that it displays highlighted.
- Click the left arrow to remove it. Create Inventory History will display in Available Buttons.
- Click Save.
Note: You can also select Search Layouts, select Edit from the Actions drop-down list and remove the Create Inventory History from the Selected Buttons.
Summer ’23 Release
- This article was new with the Summer '23 release.
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