Release Schedule




  • Pedro Morales

    Are the Buttercup release notes available? They are listed above as "TBD".  Our sandbox has been updated, but we don't know what has changed.  We see that Scheduled Revenue Expense changed to Amortized Revenue.  Is this just a label change, or are there functional changes? Thanks.

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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Pedro,

    We will have the release notes available very soon and they will be located here:

    This update has some label changes, but the functionality of the scheduled revenue and expense is the same. There are also other improvements that will be addressed in the release notes like reverse matching of cash disbursements to open A/P's. 

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  • Jason Senich

    Is there a way to manually update a sandbox (to Buttercup) that was created after the sandbox automatic push date? I'm trying to troubleshoot a potential issue with custom code and want to determine if it's an issue with the new release or something else.

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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Jason,

    I will send you the link in a follow up email.

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  • Jason Sagebiel

    I need to know what my production updgrade date will be.  There is an issue with our payment connector, and they have already issued a fix, but I can't install the fix until Buttercup is installed.  Can you let me know so I can install it near the same time so we don't have data or sync issues?

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  • Ryan Faulkingham

    Hi Jason,

    I checked with the technical team and you will be push upgraded this weekend. Another option is that we can send you the upgrade link so you can manually upgrade on your own. If you would like this, please submit a ticket to

    Thank you,


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